Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Reflection Of A Bully

--by LeapinLizzard, posted Apr 1, 2015
​One day, while waiting on a bus, I observed an interaction between two young men. One appeared to be about 17-21 in age, while the other appeared to be somewhere between 25-30. The older of the two was verbally bullying the younger.

​When the young man being bullied requested to be left alone, I noticed that he had a small, but still noticeable speech impediment. I waited a minute or two waiting for the bully to stop, but when it was apparent that the teasing was not going to stop, I spoke up and in
a calm, even, but firm tone, said, “he asked you to stop, so now I’m telling you, don’t talk to him any more." The bully immediately stopped his chatter. Asmore people arrived at the stop, and the bully was distracted, the teenager thanked me for my assistance.While I have no regrets for speaking up, four years later, I still sometimes wonder what kind words, or words of wisdom I could have offered to the bully so that particular moment might have been a positive reflection for him as he moved forward in his journey of life.
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Readers Comments

Shazzam wrote: What?
Klorgleby wrote: Fffffffuuuuttttttrrrrrraaaahhhhhchaaaaffffeeeeeehhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiii
Klorgleby wrote: Sorry, folks, just having a bad gas day
TAN55 wrote: Life is a conversation. You could involve them into a conversation - ask how to get to the closest mall where you are planning to buy a present to your son or friend of their age - ask for their recommendations what present to buy. Thank them both for their ideas. How helpful they both were to you. It might switch their mind to the different aspects of life and make them feel useful and bring into life their bests. What do you think? Will it work?
LeapinLizzard wrote: Tan55 - what a beautiful response you suggested. I can see that conversation would have yielded the result that would have made us all feel good. Thank you so much for sharing and thanks to others who responded as well. Best to all.
livingadelicious wrote: What you said a as perfect in the moment. It was a gift for you as well. If there is another situation similar to this one you will have more words of wisdom that you gained from this experience. All experiences are lessons for the next. Much love to you!
plschaffer wrote: Thank you for standing up to someone who may have not been able to stand up for themselves! Blessings to you!

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