Stories by LeapinLizzard (3 matches)

Reflection Of A Bully

​One day, while waiting on a bus, I observed an interaction between two young men. One appeared to be about 17-21 in age, while the other appeared to be somewhere between 25-30. The older of the two was verbally bullying the younger. ​When the young man being bullied requested to be left alone, I noticed that he had a small, but still noticeable speech impediment. I waited a minute or two waiting for the bully to stop, but when it was apparent that the teasing was not going to stop, I spoke up and in a calm, even, but firm tone, said, “he asked you to stop, so now I’m telling you, don’t talk to him any more." The bully immediately stopped his chatter. Asmore people arrived at the stop, and the bully was distracted, the teenager thanked me for my assistance.While I have no regrets for speaking up, four years later, I still ... Read Full Story >>

3422 Reads


I was on my way from work one Mother's Day, and I noticed a man pulled by the side of the road and he was trying to load these huge logs into the back of his pick-up truck. As he attempted to load a log, I noticed every vein and muscle in his body straining to complete the task, but to no avail. I stopped my car and offered a hand. The gentleman looked at me as though I might not have enough strength to assist, but since I was the only one offering help he accepted. Together we lifted the log into the back of his truck and then two more. Admittedly, I was grunting from the weight of the logs. As we were loading the logs, I wondered if he was a craftsman who might be making tables from the huge logs (recently cut down by the city), but he ... Read Full Story >>

2318 Reads


One day, while riding a bus in San Antonio, Tx, (a city filled with some of the friendliest people), I sat next to a young man (his appearance was that of someone who had little financial means).

I was reading a book and we struck up a conversation. He seemed very intelligent and had a lot of knowledge about literature. Soon it was his stop and as he rose to leave, he said "thank you so much for talking to me" Many people dressed like yourself (I was still dressed in my business attire) don't usually take the time to even speak to me, let alone listen to me. Thank you so much for taking time to spend with me"

. I'm sure I've been guilty of not taking time to spend with others, but I try to remember this encounter when I am among others and if nothing else, share a kind smile and a polite hello.

2003 Reads

'LeapinLizzard' Also Commented on These Stories

Reflection Of A Bully

A Ride For Ellie

Grandpa's Investment Pays Off