Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Simplest Acts Count The Most

--by happyncheerful, posted Jan 28, 2008
2155 Reads

Readers Comments

Alraisi wrote: You simple things have big effects and they cange many things in oursleves. People sometimes do the very small things which changes our whole day. Keep It Up...!!!
Tikit wrote: You've reminded me that it takes so very little to warm someone's heart. We don't need a lot of money, nor a lot of time to make somebody's day a little bit better.
lOVEBUG wrote: Great story, I get lost going around the block and have had to ask directions many times.I am just greatful I have lost my fear of getting lost. And I am not shy about asking for the directions.I am just wondering if you got your bus in time to make it to where you were going. Thank God for the kind stranger.
perseverance wrote: great one thanks
brighteyes wrote: Great story...I hate being lost and just posted a story about assisting others who were lost with some directions and a map of the local area...I keep a few different ones in the car and will replenish for future needs and requests.
michelelpurcel wrote: I do believe it is the simplest acts that touch our hearts the most. :)

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