Readers Comments
Tikit wrote: Great story! Sometimes we forget that kindness can be shared so easily in our workplace. By the way, I absolutely love your profile sentence "We all are angels, but each with only one wing. Together, we have a pair and fly to greater heights." and have printed it out in large type and stuck it on my refrigerator.
Swift wrote: Of all the places we need kindness, I would say the Workplace is amongst the top. Kindness breeds happiness, happiness breeds productivity... TRUE productivity. Thanks for sharing!
lOVEBUG wrote: That is what life is all about, small groups getting together, thanks for reminding me I do not have to be big
brighteyes wrote: Everyone like to be recognized and that's why birthday celebrations are so welcome....each of us has a special day we were born....and its better and more fun shared with others...
SMILES, Brighteyes ;)
SMILES, Brighteyes ;)
Luli wrote: This article aicehved exactly what i wanted it to achieve.