Readers Comments
lovebug wrote: I also see kindness everywhere, the small every day kindness does add up in the end.
AURELIA wrote: Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. We need to be still and listen and look...goodness is there right in front of us...and we can start it with a great big contagious SMILE...:) ~Aurelia
Tikit wrote: Yes, I agree. Like you I am new to this site, and it has brought a new awareness to me. Not only do I see the acts of kindness going on around me, but it has opened my eyes to all the possibilities I can participate in.
formacannie wrote: I agree so so much. Awareness makes you appreciate small acts of kindness that would normally go un-noticed. It's incredible!!
momo7 wrote: I also agree, kindness is very contagious and now that I think of it I am not aware of it most the time. Most people dont know is the little acts of kindness may not seem alot to who did it ,but may have a big impact on the person it was to, maybe thats why we're not so aware of it.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I think that if you are looking, you will find it everywhere. Most people don't take the time to look or care. Thanks for doing both!
tenderheart wrote: fabulous. thanks for sharing.:) kindness is everywhere we just need to apreciate to those who are kind and spread the word. we can always be the catalyst for change. so kudos for you for being aware and and taking the time to spread kindness around.
JuneBug wrote: This site has made me more aware that the world needs much more kindness. It's sad that some people raise an eyebrow because you have done something nice for them. The world seems to think you did it in order to get something for yourself..That's sad, but I continue on giving...
nflowers1228 wrote: I agree, since I have been reading posts on this site and contributing, the acts of kindness of other people are more apparent. The world doesn't seem like it is full of only dark moments, I'm able to see the good again and that is a wonderful feeling. This will spread and only help to make the world a better place.
lillmissmwah wrote: Awesome is the only word that comes to mind!