Readers Comments
pacots wrote: Prayer is a powerful wonder,you both were there for a reason,to help each other.
AURELIA wrote: We must never give up hope. I am glad you had each other when you so desperately needed one another. My mom is seriously ill and I was praying alone in the chapel at the hospital...I would have loved to have you by my side. God Bless You and enjoy your second chance with your son and now being a GRANDPARENT... :) ~AURELIA
JuneBug wrote: I had some problems with my son over the week-end. He drank too much and got in a fight with his dad who he lives with. I thought for sure he was going to jail since he is on probation but things worked out. Probation said he did right by leaving and spending the night here at my place. It was nice having him back so I could feed him and love him and patch him up before he had to return to the same place.[They both apaolgized].Until then I'll pray for them both. Prayer does miracles...I'm glad you two mothers came together like that. God honors it.....God bless...
brighteyes wrote: What a fantastic idea.....people are powerful beings...prayer is also powerful especially in a group whose intentions are pure of your g roup us.....I am uplifted from your story, your support of each other and the love you all possess... LOVE! ;)