Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Birthday Surprise: A Blast from the Past

--by Swamit, posted Apr 28, 2015
Two weeks before my wife's birthday, I contacted some of her friends from university and requested that they send a video wishing her a "Happy Birthday". I asked them to recount any pleasant memories they had from their university days. I received seven videos from friends she had not been in touch with for eight years! Many of them described fun memories from college and talked about how they miss those times. When I showed the videos to my wife on her birthday, she could not stop smiling. She was very happy and I saw tears of happiness in her eyes. A simple gesture made her birthday special by connecting her to old friends.
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Readers Comments

madhuri wrote: Birthdays are great times to spread happiness! Nice :-)
SM2000 wrote: spreading happiness
TC wrote: beautiful, creative and loving
mindyjourney wrote: Lovely birthday surprise, created with kind heart <3. Birthday blessings to your dear wife, my friend.
Mish wrote: That was the sweetest thing you did!!! How wonderful. Bless.
terre wrote: Wonderful gift! And how nice that her old friends contributed videos.
melnotes wrote: What a lovely gift to your wife xx

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