Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Another Busy Morning :)

--by mummymunt, posted Jun 1, 2015
This morning I took all those books, colouring pencils & puzzles down to the children's ward at our local hospital. The nurses were very happy to see all the new stuff, and I was very happy to make some more room in our very full house, lol.

Then I went to our local Salvation Army store and literally FILLED the boot of my car with clothes and books for $13!!!!! I couldn't believe it. So, that money goes to the Salvos, and I can donate the clothes and books I bought to someone else who needs them. Two birds with one stone :D

I also have a guy coming to pick up the suitcase I'm giving away, either today or tomorrow, so that gives hubby more room on his side of the wardrobe. He needs more room - he has more clothes than I do, lol.

I had another HUGE list of messages in my inbox here on KindSpring today, so my thanks go out again to all the people taking time out of their day to make mine that little bit more special xoxox
1113 Reads

Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: You rock! Awesome kindnesses and thanks for sharing
SM2000 wrote: Awesome
leoladyc728 wrote: Such wonderful giving.
terre wrote: I think you're a mover and shaker -- collecting things and passing them along -- recycling and re-purposing at their best! Thank you for doing all this.
mummymunt wrote: No thanks needed, I'm having such a great time! You can definitely get hooked on doing this kind of thing :)
pluto178 wrote: Fabulous x
melnotes wrote: You are doing an awesome job of spreading the kindness, thank you and blessings of more kindness ripples xx
mindyjourney wrote: wonderful giving day of many kindness ripples :)))). Well done!

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