Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Trees DO grow in Brooklyn!

--by lmil1954, posted Mar 25, 2008

Almost forty years ago, back on 12th Street between 8th Ave and Prospect Park West in Brooklyn, a group of people decided to hold a block party.  The money raised was for planting trees on each side of the street. 

And so we planted some trees.  The trees were so small, they were almost comical!  Still, they meant a lot to a small group of teenagers who lived on the block.  Teenagers like me.

Fast forward some years, and the last time I went back to Brooklyn, I actually saw those little saplings turn into beautiful, full grown, majestic trees! 

I looked up to the sky and thanked God for such a creation, for giving life to such a small seed planted in the hearts of a few people so many years ago!


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Readers Comments

sarine wrote: amazing idea,
we should do that on my street,
thank you, green for life
spring wrote: Many others (than you & your group) will have the oppurtunity to reap what goodness you've sown.
Trees & Plants are natural healers by their beauty & sight, & ability to give oxygen, food, medicine, shelter, and the color green is connected to the heart chakra.
thought Id share that & thank you for your story. I love the outdoors, & the thought of planting in the Spring is perfect timing- (in deed & thought)-
Many blessing to you-

Love- Spring
sabrina wrote: I wish the teenagers now wud realise the importance and wud do the same.Esp with all the green peace movt,it wud be great.You wud be smiling seeing or thinking of those trees,hmmmmm.
akbj wrote: People who live there now are enjoying the fruit of what you did. Little seeds turned into trees that have had an impact in a big way to a lot of people. Most of us don't think of the beginnings of the trees that we see everyday, this story is a good reminder of small beginnings growing into stately reality.
laurina wrote: It's wonderful when you can go back and see the results of seeds planted many years ago. That's what we need to be able to see in our mind's eye before we do each kind act. Thanks for sharing!
jeri wrote: I love this story. I love thinking of all the people who enjoy the shade of those trees and the view from windows that tell the seasons in the middle of that city. Think of how it looks when it snows. A place for a bird to build a nest. I think you all gave an amazing gift in more ways than you can imagine. Beautiful! Jeri
lovebug wrote: Do you want to know how long it took me to find out how to spell sequoia? It did take me some time because I do not spell very well. But that is how I see you. I did get to see them growing in a forrest in california, once was enough for me to remember how magnificent they were.God Bless
warmth wrote: You all planted them with love. ANd all these years they have shared that love in the form of their shade, etc.

W O W for all of you.

mitu915 wrote: that's beautiful. I actually heard that trees and small patches of garden can help heal cities that have been overdeveloped and congested with too much pollution and consumption! good job! :)
WENDY wrote: little is much when God is in it!

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