Readers Comments
falsemonkeypuzzl wrote: What a good lesson in appreciating the goodness all around us regardless of the shape it comes in. I'm glad he was there to help you in your time of need.
JuneBug wrote: God sends us angels in all forms...Jack Bradley was one of yours. My daddy will be gone 3 years come next month and it seems like yesterday that he died...I have to remind myself he is with God and wouldn't want to come back here to all this. I celebrate his death by making a German Chocolate cake and give it to family. It still hurts that I can't pick up the phone and talk to him..but someday...we will catch up on the news! :}
humaira wrote: hi bae6!! sorry dear i was missing since so many days and couldn't comment and very sad to say that i will be missing till 19 because of my exams..and do pray for me!! thanks for sharing your life with us.. loads of love.. humaira:)