Stories by bae6 (5 matches)

The Crying Baby

Today was dreary day in Seattle.  It is the start of our rainy season. While I was at the supermarket, standing in line, a young mother with a small child was behind me.  The child must have been 3 months or so; and man, she was crying!  And I mean crying. The young mother did absolutely nothing to calm this child; it was almost as if she didn't know what to do. Usually when a child cries like this -- and I know this from experience -- it is either because the child is bored or hungry.  So I turned around and started to talk to this child. And all of a sudden -- she stopped crying!  In fact, she began to smile and laugh. The mother asked me what I did and I said, "Well, I talked to her."  She replied that she never thought of this.  As a single mother working two jobs, she ... Read Full Story >>

2764 Reads

Listening With Deaf Ears

I am hearing impaired and I wear a hearing aid.  A few weeks ago, I was in a store and a small child child saw me and yelled out, "Mama, look at the deaf lady!"  I did not know what to say and his mother was very angry.  She looked at him and said "Wait until your father gets home." Her words were the exact words that my mother used to say to me and the boys when we upset her.  Memories of my strict father came flooding back to me, and I thought to myself, "What should I do?"  The little boy started to cry and I felt his pain.  I tapped him on then shoulder and I asked him to hold his hand out.  I placed my hearing aid in his hand, and he asked "Why are you deaf?"  I told him that I was in a terrible accident ... Read Full Story >>

2331 Reads

The Maverick Man Who Helped Me

A man commonly known as the Maverick Man used to be a fixture in the city I live in.  He lived in a 1970's van parked in a parking lot and walked up and down the same street for 20 years.  Everyone who knew him loved him and all the local businesses help him out.  They allowed him shave in the mens room and the Jack in the Box would even give him free food.  He spent his time helping and giving advice to everyone that he saw.  One time I walked by him, crying and very upset.  He saw me walking by the street and went up to me while I was waiting for the bus.  I told him that a very close person in my life, had passed away and then I broke down crying.  Maverick Man sat down by me and said "Little not weep for ... Read Full Story >>

2094 Reads

You Give And Then...You Let Go

I have always had a heart for strays.When my late mother was in the hospital in the 1950s I was a very young child and I collected, took care of animals. The first animals I got home was a pigeon.I found it while walking to school.It was on the curb and his wing was broken.I hid it in the woods and when I went home,it was still there and brough it home.My father made a box for it and i fed it bread and water everyday and I kind of raised him. The next animal I found was a black dog.This black dog was frail and she was about to have puppies.My father found the dog tied outside of the house and decided to take it in.The dog was just so happy and you could tell that this dog wasnt treated nice.We kept him in a box in the cellar.The dog had ... Read Full Story >>

1848 Reads

Lend a Hand With a Bus Transfer

I gave away my transfer today to someone that needed it. The poor guy was homeless and needed to go to his case worker.You could tell that he did not have the money.

I remember many years ago in Seattle I was evicted because I lost my job and the hiring then was zero. I lived in a women's shelter because I had to. I was often hungary and broke and I made a promise that it would not happen again. Some people here are not at all prepared when they lose their jobs. I wasnt prepared because I was not expecting it and my late mother and brother knew that something was wrong. So when I get transfers on the bus line, I give them away. Also the buses here have been really crowded.  So if you have a transfer or bus change, give it to one of the homeless.

1599 Reads

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Paying it forward every week!

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