Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Washing Cleaner Seeing Further

--by mummymunt, posted Jun 5, 2015
We had a spare washing machine (it's a long story) so we gave it to our youngest employee who has just moved in with his lovely girlfriend.

And, today, my son got his new glasses so we donated his old spectacles to a program that sends them overseas for disadvantaged people with vision problems. 

Hopefully they'll help another little kid see better for a while.
817 Reads

Readers Comments

bountiful wrote: what lovely thoughts of sharing way to go :)
pluto178 wrote: Great way to be x
SM2000 wrote: beautiful act
Peace2you wrote: nicee
melnotes wrote: Lovely kindness, thank you!
KindMyst wrote: Repurposing glasses. :)
Mitalichawla wrote: hmm good job

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