Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spreading Kindness

--by Swamit, posted Jun 8, 2015
I bought a coffee for the old lady who sells fruits and vegetables in the market near my office. At first she was surprised and had question mark on her face. She asked me, "What this is for?" and I said, " This is an appreciation for all your hard work and for standing whole day in this cold weather. This is my thanks to you" and handed over kindspring smile card to her which mentioned to spread the kindness and pass over that card to the other person.

She had a bright smile on her face and was very happy. That look on her face made me very happy and I realized that there is a connection with every part of the nature. the only thing we need to learn is how to connect and I believe that kindness is the master key.
I saw the same lady after 2 days and she said to me smilingly, "I have passed on that card with added kindness". Again the nature got it connected.
1021 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Agree, kindness is the master key to opening our connection to all. Wonderfully done, my friend. Thank you!
pluto178 wrote: Wonderful x
mish wrote: Nice to hear this :)))))
mummymunt wrote: Beautiful :)
melnotes wrote: That is so lovely :)

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