Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: Aww! What a sweet lady!!! I would have done the same thing though...Who could pass up angels singing on their birthday???? :}
lovebug wrote: Thank you so much for sharing a wonderful moment in your life. I do believe it is those brief moments of kindness given while we are young. We sort of collect them in our hearts, and as adults they do bring forth their fruit and it does make the world a better place.
AURELIA wrote: How wonderful. I am happy that you were able to celebrate such a thing as 102 years!!!!Thank you for being her angels.
lmil1954 wrote: See? What comes around goes around-what you do for others really does bring joy to your own heart!!! Lovely story. Thanks for sharing it. Linda:)
PayingForward wrote: Thank you for sharing this lovely story. What precious angels ... the birthday girl included. You made her day and she made yours. What a precious memory. :)
makesomeonesmile wrote: The smallest kindnesses can mean the most. How blessed you are to have made a difference for this woman in her life!
henry agbo wrote: Thats the best thing that could ever happen to you.its a priceless gift.This teaches everyone of us to always show kindness antwhere we find ourselves no matter how young or old we are.
ieiblue wrote: Wow.. so nice...:P Age doesn't hinder us to show kindness... and wow really!!! Such nice gestures on your part and the lady... :p
molly273 wrote: God bless you. I hope that you are surrounded by people that make you happy in your old age!
Manana wrote: Amazing how the little things that you do for others may not take much from you but mean so much to them. God bless you! You are an angle!