Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Cashier Remembered Me As ...

--by mindyjourney, posted Jun 29, 2015
Cashier remembered me as soon as I told her to keep the dark Dove chocolate bar that I added to my grocery purchase.

"Oh, I looked up the website ( and showed your origami (peace) dove to my manger," she said, her whole face lighting up. "I don't have much time to go online, but liked the site."

I gave her another dove to give her boss, as well as a candy bar and dove to cashier in next lane.

Was almost out the door, when she caught up to me and asked if she could please have another dove, for a colleague who really needed a positive lift.

Grateful that I happened to have a small bag with SMILE card, dove and a blessing token that I had tucked in my purse.

Love how the kindness is rippling, my friends.

1622 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Never leave home without our KS kit! Great sharing, twinnie 👍
mummymunt wrote: Aww, that's awesome :D
brindlegirl wrote: Your doves are so infectious and carry and energy that cannot be described. Many are being distributed from my home and heart too ♥
pluto178 wrote: You are DEVOted to those doves. x
xenahugs wrote: Awwwwwww, man, Mindy. You really have upped your game - giving out the doves AND CHOCOLATE!!!! Wow. Just wow!!!! I'm speechless!! Lol..... ;)
terre wrote: Endless bounty in that many-pocketed purse you have!
melnotes wrote: This is wonderful spreading of the your doves, kindness and kind spring!
Gastvrouw wrote: Great story!

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