Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Three Simple Words

--by Nandi, posted Apr 23, 2008
The other day I was parked outside cleaning out my jeep. 

Coming my way from across the street was what society would consider a bum. From the looks of him, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money. There are times when you feel generous, but there are other times when you just don't want to be bothered.

At this particular time, I did not want to be bothered. 

I hope he doesn't ask me for any money, I thought.

He didn't.

He came and sat on the wall in front of the bus stop, to wait for the bus. After a few minutes he spoke.

'That's a very pretty Jeep,' he said.

He was ragged but he had an air of dignity about him. His scraggly blond beard kept more than his face warm. I said thanks, and continued cleaning out the Jeep.

He sat there quietly as I worked. The expected plea for money never came. As the silence between us widened, something inside said, Ask him if he needs any help.

I was sure that he would say yes, but I held true to the inner voice. 'Do you need any help?' I asked.

He answered in three simple but profound words that I will never forget. We often look for wisdom in great men and women. We expect it from those of higher learning and accomplishments. I expected nothing but an outstretched grimy hand.

He spoke the three words that shook me. 'Don't we all?' he said.

I was feeling high and mighty, successful and important, above a bum on the street, until those three words hit me like a twelve-gauge shotgun.

Don't we all?

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Readers Comments

Nandi wrote: This story is too good not to share!
We all need help, and we all need to give help. In the giving is often where the true blessing and pleasure lies.

But we must be careful and see that our giving is not with an attitude of superiority or condescension or to establish our own self-worth. It must be humbly done because it is needed and because we are able, knowing the day may come, if it hasn't already, when we will be on the receiving end of someone else's giving.
Alicia wrote: I feel the same as you are. Remember vividly happen once if for sure give us a different feeling and to be a better peron. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
lovebug wrote: Nandi, what a precious soul you are. Thank you so much for sharing, you did manage to sum it all up in 3 little words. When it comes to needing Help. Don't we all.
anonimus wrote: Dear Nandi.
Thanks for the beautiful story. For anything we give to have true meaning and for our soul to feel better from the act of giving charity, we must give with humility. Its with humility that we receive grace from GOD...we all need help..

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