Readers Comments
mermangel wrote: Yes, "Ask and It Is Given" whether you are asking for something for yourself or to fill the need of another you have the power to manifest anything, even a sandwich, if you are feeling "connected" and joyous. I like the way you expressed it in your closing line and with your permission I would like to add it to my ever expanding list of inspirational quotes. Have a wonderful day.
lorichelle wrote: I'm so glad you realized the opportunity and took advantage of it! Bless you!
jojomcb wrote: opportunity knocked and you answered the door. good for you!!!!!
retrogal wrote: It is so wonderful when we can recognize the opportunities we are given to give to others. Thank you for your story.
brighteyes wrote: Great story and love the quote...keep those kindnesses a-coming....
lovebug wrote: It is indeed the moment, a blink of the eye.