Readers Comments
kiwicat wrote: Thats a great kindness. My hubby and i do beach clean ups when we walk our dog. I need to remember to bring a big rubbish sack. Its sad to see all the plastics that the sea animals have to contend with in their environment.
pyronik wrote: indeed - thank you
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for your kindness preparedness :))))). Changed from fishing line (as hanger for origami doves) to cotton cord because some members where hanging outside.
mish wrote: Thank you for doing that !! Bless x
sandyremillar wrote: thank you for your kindness....
melnotes wrote: Wonderful clean up! Thankyou for your kindness xx
terre wrote: Thank you for this kindness!
pluto178 wrote: Shame on you fishermen.......the first day of moving into a new house I spent wading in the pond cutting away netting from fish that had been caught up and entangled in plastic which is laid with ridiculous to lay plastic netting with will never happen again.... but what a way to learn. x
lindariebel wrote: There's a special place in heaven for those who care for our earth.