Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Crossing a Path with a Purpose

--by sweetp, posted May 9, 2008

I was having one of those days where I felt like I was just going through the motions... tired, a bit bored, nothing on the agenda but work to be done.  I was in my car returning home from picking up lunch, and saw a woman standing with a sign at the intersection.  I could only make out two parts of the sign: the top said "Happy Holidays" and the bottom said "Help".

At first, I just felt my spirits sink further, which was the last thing I wanted to feel. I watched her walk slowly by each of the cars. I realized that I had an extra piece of bread in the meal I had just purchased. I waited for her to approach my car, wondering if the light would stay red long enough for me to offer her my bread. The woman in the car in front of me gave her money and I saw her disposition begin to change.

As she came to me, I offered the bread, and started to realize I had more to give away. I asked her if she also would like some water and tomato soup and handed her both in a bag. She excitedly said 'Yes', and accepted both.

I believe that when we have an opportunity to give, we find ourselves with something to give away. I was more than filled with the remainder of my meal. I was more conscious, however, of the filling process taking place in my soul. I was so thankful that I had crossed someone else's path with purpose today. I suddenly felt a lot better because I knew I could make a difference with what I had.

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Readers Comments

lovebug wrote: You did warm my heart. We live in a world were people feel if they have no money, they have nothing go give, you shared what you had. That was more than enough. God Bless you
sanserif wrote: Hi are a real sweety pie! God bless you for being so kind..
warmth wrote: nice nice, the feeling must habe been really good. Thank u for sharing a nice story :)
brighteyes wrote: Sweet...I wholeheartedly agree....your RAOK filled your center, your soul and that is what I have found too...I give and I want to give makes me feel good-filled-uplifted! Plus I am really blessed in my life and I truly want and like to share...if we all did, I believe the world situation would be balanced with no hungry, poor, etc.
makesomeonesmile wrote: Bless you sweetp for taking the time to make a difference. There is almost always something we can do for someone else, whether small or large. It all matters. Thanks for caring and doing something about it!
anonimus wrote: sweetp...thats what you are SWEET..thanks for sharing with us
lmil1954 wrote: Well it took several days to find this post of yours, glad I found it. What a blessing for you and the woman, and for me!

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