Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Key Hunting In The Park

--by kiwicat, posted Jul 18, 2015
I dropped my keys in the park. Not just my house key but my car key, house keys belonging to two friends, and my gym locker key! 

I searched the area twice but couldn't find them. I walked back home, got my spare car key, walked back to the park, unlocked my car, looked again, still no keys. 

I drove home, then, in frustration and worry, decided to go back to the park for another look. 

A lady with a baby saw me looking and came over to help. Then ... voila! She found them! Yay! Sometimes all you need is a fresh pair of eyes.

Keys and car fobs are so expensive to replace. You better believe I gave her and hug and plenty of thanks!
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Readers Comments

terre wrote: Whew! You just needed another pair of eyes!
pluto178 wrote: Its a sign that there is something in your life that you are not seeing.........and whilst its helpful for others to guide you.....its best to find out what you are not seeing for yourself. x
melnotes wrote: Yay! Smiling as I read this positive outcome xx
mish wrote: An angel in the park for you!! Great.
denysewade wrote: So wonderful!
debbe530 wrote: Such a relief. I have done that. Great you had help. Another set of eyes works wonders.
pyronik wrote: phew :-) & thank you to that lady, maybe you were in the right place at the right time for her somehow too?
mindyjourney wrote: Dear friend, karma helped find your keys with the help of those dear angels <3.

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