Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness on the road to home

--by mindyjourney, posted Jul 21, 2015
"A journey of thousand miles begins with the first step."

700 miles yesterday and 300 to go today before we reach home. Grateful to find a friendly budget hotel to rest last night. The young college age clerk was so very sweet and helpful.

Brought her back a gift certificate for the restaurant that she recommended; enclosed in an envelope with a SMILE card, an origami dove and some blessings :)).

Loving the journey, my friends, and the kindness opportunities presented.

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Readers Comments

kiwicat wrote: You are so kind and thoughtful. I am inspired by you every time you post a story.
Mish wrote: Leaving a glitter trail of loving kindness ........
kjoyw wrote: Ah, yes, your arbor awaits you dear Mindy! So glad the journey is proving to be a happy and safe one. Blessings for you kindness on the way.
pyronik wrote: what a great idea :-)
terre wrote: Glad to learn your journey home is going well.
Gyrocloudy wrote: Mindy!!! Smile power!
melnotes wrote: You Mindy are the best!

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