Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Ride for a Smile

--by newdayvow, posted Aug 3, 2015
I had to take a different route home than I usually do because of a road closure, and while I was stopped at a red light I could see a man approaching my car and talking.

I thought maybe he was asking for directions, but when I turned my radio off to hear he was asking me for a ride a bit down the road.

Being a young woman on my own, I was a bit hesitant thinking of what my friends' advice would be (to beware of my safety). However, I have found myself in this man's situation before, making a long walk and wishing I could get a quick ride from the many drivers passing by.

Not wanting to pass up an opportunity to help, I let him in. It was a short ride, but he introduced himself and initiated a very pleasant conversation. I learned his bicycle broke so he has had to rely on the kindness of strangers for a few days. Hearing his gratitude and learning of others who have shared a ride really gave me a sense of wonder and lifted my mood for the rest of the day!
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Readers Comments

mish wrote: Glad it all worked out well for you. I'd have been afraid to risk.
kperrine wrote: You rock! I once did the same thing and never looked back. Felt so good to give a man a ride!
mindyjourney wrote: Grateful that all went well. Thank you for you kind heart.
pluto178 wrote: The Mother in me has come to the no no. x
newdayvow wrote: Lol Pluto I had to post here because I knew my own mother wouldn't be pleased! I had faith in my judge of character.
kiwicat wrote: Lol. Safety first. But i guess your instincts were right. I dont pick up anyone if im on my own.
kjoyw wrote: Glad it all went well. You are so kind and caring.
Loveall999 wrote: wow so much courage and love <3
xenahugs wrote: Glad it went well. <3

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