Readers Comments
mitu915 wrote: what a great gift of learning you are providing to your pupils. ironically we spend so much on educating ourselves with an expensive college education and yet often graduate from these institutions without having learned basic life-long values such as compassion and kindness. i'm glad that you are part of changing how we educate ourselves and our children. kudos to you!
perseverance wrote: Education is a two way process and we teach as much we receive from the students Thanks
ruru wrote: thank you both for the encouragement...and yes, I learn as much from my students as I teach them.
lmil1954 wrote: What a wonderful thing you are teaching these students...YOUR students. Too many teachers dont take the time to develop character in their students. You are an awesome example of someone doing more than a "job" You are teaching them life lessons! God Bless you, ruru. You got my smiles:) Linda:)
lOVEBUG wrote: I like the kind acts campain slogan. It is very sad a vast number of our children live in marginal invironments. Helping them learn to be kind help them see theirselfs in a positive light, they find they might not have much, but they have a lot to give, this makes them valuable not marginal. Once they can see their value the can jump over the hurtles of life.Peace
brighteyes wrote: Love perseverances comments....a kindness campaign is so cool....good luck...I know th ripple effect will be fantastic!
JuneBug wrote: What a wonderful idea! I can't wait to hear how far this will go! :}
Reelah wrote: Programs like these are amazing, and they are growing in number!
AURELIA wrote: What A terrific Idea. Use some of my Karma Bucks...they're on the way to you. Get free Smile cards and give some to your students as you encourage them to be kind...they can pass out cards and keep the smiles coming. ~:)Aurelia
buffett wrote: Ruru,
What a great idea!!!! I to am also a
teacher. Most of my students have such a sad home life.But they still are such giving children. We have started a fund for cancer patients and we are collecting items for a soldier overseas.Children can learn kindness it doesn't matter were they come from.
What a great idea!!!! I to am also a
teacher. Most of my students have such a sad home life.But they still are such giving children. We have started a fund for cancer patients and we are collecting items for a soldier overseas.Children can learn kindness it doesn't matter were they come from.