Stories by ruru (6 matches)

Children Teaching Kindness in School

We have only just started our Kind Act Campaign and we already are figuring out ways to expand it. The student council wants everyone in the school in on it. They wanted to keep track of the good deeds too, and maybe hang them up.  Recently Children for Children Inc sent students in the NYC schools  seeds to plant so they can grow them and use them in a volunteering act in the spring. At their site I found pay it forward cards. Well now the students are going classroom to classroom teaching the students how to use them. They want to collect them and decorate the main floor with them. Card holder does a kind act and gives card to person, that person does one and gives it their person, it goes on until card is filled(5 altogether). The last person gives the card back to the beginning person. They can ... Read Full Story >>

3162 Reads

Childhood Memories of Helping the Elderly

My first memories of acts of kindness are from when I was about 12 years old. I always helped out at home and with friends. It just came from within me I guess. When I was a kid, I noticed that many elderly people had difficulty getting to the grocery store after a snow storm. It started with one person and kind of grew. I would spend part of a snowy Saturday knocking on apartment doors to ask if anyone needed anything from the store. The grocery store was down a huge hill and I would bring back a couple of bags of groceries for them. I liked it and it made them so happy. My friends in the building asked what I was doing and after a while a couple of them joined in and it became a routine. I never asked or took money for the errand. Sometimes the ladies would ... Read Full Story >>

2756 Reads

A Classroom's Kind Acts Campaign

I am a teacher in an urban school and many of our students have a very difficult life. You can see and hear it in their voices. I've been working with many of them on becoming more giving of themselves without expecting anything in return -- kindness. I think it is working.

I have several former students who have come back to tell me that they want to help in my next community project or bring kindness ideas of their own that they want to do. I never tell them no and watching their smiles is all I need in payment. We have painted murals, collected items for shelters, planted flowers and read to the elderly.

Now, we are expanding it to every part of our lives. The students are going to make a committment to do acts of kindness. We will start with 2 a week and build on it. It is called our Kind Acts Campaign. I look forward to posting many stories about my students in the coming months for all you to enjoy.

2292 Reads

Helping a Lost Dog Find Its Way Home

I saw a beautiful sunset today. It reminded me of a special favor I did not too long ago. I was driving home and noticed a small dog on the side of the road. Oddly, it just didn't seem to belong there. It was a busy route and an 18 wheeler was coming.

I stopped the car and dotted across the street.  The little mutt looked at me and came right over. He had a collar around his neck but no name, nothing. There was nothing but woods on this road, but about 6 homes on the other. So, I put pooch in the car and drove up one of the long driveways.

I knocked on one door and asked, "Do you have a dog?" The lady who opened the door said no, so I showed her the dog and asked if she had an idea whose dog it could be.  She immediately recognized it as the dog from four houses down.  I thanked her and went over. The owner was outside looking for the dog when I pulled up the driveway. She was so happy to see her dog, knowing how dangerous the road is. Well, I missed the sunset that day, but today's was really cool.

2076 Reads

A Student Council's Kindness Campaign

The Student Council met today and shared their first kindness acts. A few of them stood out as special. Here they are...

L: Did something nice for her sister. Her sister had a test the next day, so she did the dishes for her so she can study.

CH: Wanted to help her mother. Her mom works a lot of double shifts (16 hours). She gave her a nice back massage to help her relax and fall asleep. She needed it.

A: She is my protege in the making. She adopted a grandmother at St. Barnabas Hospital. She reads with her, takes walks, knits or just talks to her.

Can't wait to see what they do next week...

1745 Reads

My Moment with the Bear

I was leaving for work at about 6:20 am on Monday morning. The sky was gray but the sun was rising. I stepped out the front door, looked up at the trees breezing in the wind, and  suddenly I realized the large creature resting at the foot of our driveway was not my black dog 'wolfy' but was a different furry, black animal that was ten times larger: a full grown Black Bear! The Bear and I looked directly into each other's eyes at that moment. It was a rather long pause. He then proceeded to waltz around our property as he must have found it rather interesting. He walked by my bright red Toyota Yaris. I suppose we have the same taste in cars!  Frightened and yet also curious, I gradually shifted backwards to the front door, but still carefully observed this fascinating beast.  It was the most beautiful bear. Of course, I was mindful of how fast bears can run, how large their teeth are, how vicious they can devour their prey, but as I ... Read Full Story >>

1694 Reads

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