Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Hospital Cheer

--by kiwicat, posted Aug 12, 2015
I dropped off two cheer-up gift bags (socks, bottled water, puzzle books, hand cream, lip balm...) and 15 packs that had tissues, toothbrushes, toothpaste, travel size shampoo & conditioners, lip balm, lotion... To my local hospital.

The lovely nurses gave me a hug, and said "I remember you from last time! We gave out the cheer up bags to patients straight away, and we kept a few in the cupboard. We gave those ones out on Mothers Day to patients without visitors" yay, it was nice to have feedback on how a small thing cheered someone up.
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Readers Comments

brindlegirl wrote: You are an inspiration! Well you are certainly I inspiring me to do the same! I love this idea. I'm going to work on it ;-)
mindyjourney wrote: Cheer bags are a great idea to share the kindness!!! Thank you for your thoughtfulness, my friend. Well done!
mish wrote: Great to do x. Bless.
leoladyc728 wrote: such kindness.
SM2000 wrote: such a lovely act....
terre wrote: Hospital kindnesses are wonderful! Thanks for doing this, and more than once!
pluto178 wrote: So lovely x
balou wrote: a really kind gesture, Kiwicat, I tink I'll take up this idea :-)
melnotes wrote: This so made me smile :) What a beautiful kindness angel you are Kiwicat xx
suzywilliams6 wrote: I lovely idea. Thank you for sharing :)

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