Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Customer Ahead Of Me In Line

--by mindyjourney, posted Aug 10, 2015
Customer ahead of me in line was short a few dollars on her order. As she was directing what items to put back, I offered to pay the difference. The customer graciously accepted :).

After the customer left, cashier thanked me as well :)).

Grateful that the Universe put me right where I needed to be of assistance. Abundant blessings, my kind friends.

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Readers Comments

carolec wrote: Kismet! Life is all about timing connected to our ability to act in the moment. Lovely.
mary10 wrote: Very sweet!
SeaMar67 wrote: Blessings of abundance.
denysewade wrote: Wonderful
Brindlegirl wrote: You are an angel to so many ... Sent always at exactly the right time ♡
mish wrote: You the sweetest!!!!! x
KindMyst wrote: 👼
leoladyc728 wrote: You spread your seeds of kindness everywhere you go.
kiwicat wrote: Right person, at the right place, at the right time. A few dollars probably meant the world to that person.
melnotes wrote: How very lovely Mindy! You are such a force of kindness :)

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