Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Really See Those Who Serve Us

--by myfbil, posted Sep 2, 2015
After spending much time at the hospital with my 90 yr. old mother-in-law who fell and fractured her hip yesterday, we went out to finally have something to eat at 9:30 pm. The server was very busy all by himself and preparing to close but was kind and served us well without knowing our circumstance for such a late dinner. Before we left, I went up and gave him a generous tip even though this restaurant requires no tipping. At first he refused but I insisted and he was very appreciative. It made us both very happy to end our day with smiles.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Often through the sensitive of our compassion we are even more aware of the kindness of others. Blessings of healing for mother in law.
mel37865 wrote: Praying for her
mish wrote: Healing blessings for her x
myfbil wrote: Thank you so much. Surgery is scheduled momentarily. There will be a sense of relief when it's over.
terre wrote: Sending visions of good healing for your mother-in-law.
FairyBubbles wrote: It is lovely to give.

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