Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Wagon Wheel To The Rescue

--by mandymoo900, posted Sep 4, 2015
I gave my taxi driver a chocolate Wagon Wheel. When he was driving me home he said he was going to quit the job as he'd been harrassed by one of my neighbours. He told me more which I won't repeat but I really felt for him and I felt sorry for him.

When we were getting my groceries out of the taxi I told him I was going to give him something. He said, oh no etc, but I explained how I do Random Acts of Kindness and I found the wagon wheel and gave it to him.

You see Wagon Wheels are part of an Australian childhood. They were always special treats. The taxi driver said how it reminds him of his childhood and how he would have it on his break. He was really touched. I'm so glad and grateful that I could help brighten his evening.
1805 Reads

Readers Comments

FairyBubbles wrote: Oh that's so sweet. I am glad you made that taxi driver feel better.
tochwa wrote: Powerful!

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