Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Have A Fierce Mind!

--by kiwicat, posted Sep 2, 2015
I left post it notes in the park on park benches in the sun this morning. This one was my favourite (and may go on the back of the front door tomorrow) "May your heart be kind, your mind fierce and your spirit brave"
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Readers Comments

brindlegirl wrote: A wish and prayer for all. I personally love it!
savraj wrote: Nice combination of qualities!
mindyjourney wrote: Fiercely brave and kind! Nicely done, my friend :))
terre wrote: Love this!
pluto178 wrote: Yikes I am springing into action NOW. x
melnotes wrote: Kiwicat hope you don't mind but I would like to borrow this! Ive been so inspired by your post it notes that I've just stuck one to the door which reads "You are beautifull" My partner, daughter and her boyfriend have yet too see it, will keep you post-it (ed lol)
annamac22 wrote: I think i have a new mantra! Thank you!
FairyBubbles wrote: What a lovely thing to do.
run4fun33 wrote: Such a wonderful gesture. Great example of small act that can really impact people.
krissymosley83 wrote: Beautiful and powerful thank you for blessing the world truly touches me.

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