Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Close Friends

--by kiwicat, posted Sep 12, 2015
I arrived at my best friend's house last night (she's got three kids: 2, 4, and 7 years old) and as soon as she opened the door, she said, "Beware the apocalypse has struck." I thought to myself, "My goodness..."

So, I poured two glasses of wine and we started cleaning. It would have been overwhelming for her to do it alone, but together we conquered the mess.

After we cleaned, we started cooking. I had brought ingredients to make her dinner, and cooked it for her then and there. Together, we then made a risotto for her friend who just had a baby. It was a great evening!
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Readers Comments

Gyrocloudy wrote: Lol. Humor is really a good bridge between mess and being tidy.
Brindlegirl wrote: I just had a wonderful idea and her kids would love it. Similar ages to mine and my boys love it. Bubbles! Next time you visit maybe gift her children with some bubbles. Your never too old for bubbles and it entertains then for ages ♥
mindyjourney wrote: Friends and food and helping :))). Wonderful day, my friend :)))
Mish wrote: Great inspiration for "cleaning parties" here. Like x
savraj wrote: Wow it's amazing what two friends together can accomplish!
Novice50 wrote: I love the idea of cleaning parties too - going to be looking for takers in my neck of the woods!
pluto178 wrote: You don't live locally to me do x
melnotes wrote: What a wonderful friend you are kiwicat, sounds like a lovely friendship xx
FairyBubbles wrote: Lovely, kind, warm friendship - there is nothing better.

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