Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A New Attitude Makes All the Difference

--by lmil1954, posted Jun 20, 2008

I hated closing.  I'm a person who claims that I do not hate, but I hated closing.  Period.  And by that I mean the closing shift at Domino's.  We close at 11pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends.  And I HATED closing. 

I hated it because we close at 11pm, but people call late at night and then we have to clean up and do all the paperwork, etc.  So, I never get to leave until 11:30-12:00.  It got to the point where I didn't like customers who called after 10pm.  That felt bad.  I got bitter and angry inside.

But alas, I decided I needed to change myself and little by little I developed a new attitude.  Now when I go in to close, instead of saying we close at 11, but (wah-wah)  I won't get to leave till 11:45 and I won't get home till 12:30, I simply say I work till midnight.  Then, if I'm done by 11:30 or even 11:45, I feel like I'm getting out early. What a blessing!

I closed last Friday and Saturday and took to work with me the new attitude: I work until 1am.  Guess what?  Both nights nobody called after 11:20 and we got out the door at 12:15 and home by 1.

What a difference attitude makes! 

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Readers Comments

Cassara wrote: Thanks for heilpng me to see things in a different light.
Keemetswe Andrews Moleme wrote: I am the founder and director general of tshwaraganang community uplifting project aiming at developing the lives of the youth: we have motivational programmes and i would like to register our project with you!
chikky wrote: Thanks so much for sharing this. I will also change change my attitude to customers who come towards my closing time at work it really gets me worked up but i know thew answer to my problem now right attitude. Bless you.
DR.TAHIRA wrote: Yes u ar right. If u don like something try to change it and if u can do that change the way u look at it. Change your attitude.
bharnig wrote: Wonderful. Thanks for sharing :)
mommakat wrote: Life is what we make it and a good attitude goes a long way. I'm guilty quite often of looking at the bad side of things and have been accused (rightly) of having a bad attitude when certain situations arise. I've been working really hard to overcome my bad attitude. Some days i'm successful and some days i'm not. But i have found as "lmil1954" has reminded me, that those time that i've remembered to have a good (positive) attitude about a bad situation that things do work out better. Maybe not always great, but better when i've kept a positive attitude or looked at the bright side of things. Thanks for the reminder!
JeanieMarie wrote: What a great reminder,to change our attitude, it's a simple thing but so easy to forget. Time to practice it again!

cinnamonhead wrote: all it takes is a change of attitude and all things are possible. a lesson well learned.
lOVEBUG wrote: Attitude all has to do with the dialogue of our minds. Our minds never shut up. You can change your whole world by becoming aware of what your mind is chattering about. We make up are minds about many things in life before we become consiously aware of anything. And we all hate change, it is apart of the human condition. However we are not victims we are creators. We can change our attitudes simply by changing our language and the way we talk to ourselves. From the story and the many replies I see many of you have found the secret already. We do have power we just fail to use it.
mitu915 wrote: i totally agree. it's all about your attitude. i too, have been teaching myself to approach life (work included) with the attitude that it is a blessing to have the opportunity to give to another--which is a thought i learned from this site. just a mental switch on the inside goes a long way on the outside!!!

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