Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Home Without Books

--by kiwicat, posted Oct 3, 2015
I was talking to one of my students yesterday who is the eldest with three younger siblings, she was telling me that the younger two girls now have a repurposed bookshelf in their bedroom.

Their Mum set out their books so that they could easily access them. Through a charity funded scheme in our school each child chooses a book to take home 4x a year, so the girls now had 6 books on their shelf.

I grew up in a book driven home. Some of my best friends were not in the playground, but on a page. The thought of not having that pleasure of the company of a book, mourn and celebrate along with the characters, cry or dance at the end... Or reading the last pages slowly because I dont want the book to end...

My best friend said she will have a look through the abundant bookshelves of her children and donate. Im going to do the same, and keep vigilant at charity shops. Im sure those girls will soon have more than 6 books between them :-)
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Readers Comments

RoseMarie wrote: That is really good, are you primary or secondary school x 💓
mish wrote: Wonderful!!
Gyrocloudy wrote: Books are doors to fantasy and knowledge. :)
mel37865 wrote: Great!
splain wrote: They will have a life full of journeys, wonder, intrigue and the world will open
seamar67 wrote: To think of this fills several ruffled-up pages of my heart with big loopy scribbles of joy... Thank you Kiwicat and Bestfriend!!!
mindyjourney wrote: Having books around encourages us to read them! Great program :))).
savraj wrote: That is such a great way to get students excited about reading. So nice to have a collection which you can read and then share !
pluto178 wrote: A great scheme x
melnotes wrote: lovely to read this Kiwicat!

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