Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Braving the Cold to Warm Up Hearts

--by megs, posted Jul 25, 2008

In my city, it was a bit on the cold side this week.  I have several elderly neighbors who are always very nice, so I wanted to think of a way to help them. 

I noticed that on the colder mornings their trash cans and delivered newspapers usually stayed out near the end of their driveway until later in the day.  I've watched them go out and get move their trash cans and pick up their newspapers some mornings, and it doesn't look like an easy task for them.  On colder morning, I they have to wait until it is warm enough to go out and get them. 

As I was preparing to leave the house this morning, I decided to  place their trash cans by the garages and put the newspapers by their front doors.  It only took me a few minutes and now I've decided to make it a part of my daily routine! :) 

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Readers Comments

grammagussie wrote: Nice observation Megs....Thanks for the idea. My neighbors need this done anonymously so they will try harder to befriend each other...
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Good for you Megs! That is a very nice thing for you to do for your neighbors. Thanks for making a difference!
brighteyes wrote: Megs....that is so wonderful of you ....I too have an elderly widowed neighbor a few doors down and guess who just gave me a great idea to surprise and delight her? Yep, YOU! and I, too, will make a habit of it!

THANK YOU SWEET MEGS!! Brighteyes ;)
JuneBug wrote: Oh! I bet you are truely appreciated!!! I know I don't like venturing out in the cold myself....God bless you! :}
AURELIA wrote: Super Duper!!!! I did the same thing with Newspaper deliveries last week. My grandma needed someone to help her with her garbage and couldn't find I am more than Happy to hear that you are doing this for them!!! Awesome, simply awesome. ~Aurelia
lOVEBUG wrote: Your neighbors won't have to wait for the sun to warm their bones, you lay the sun on their doorstep. Great way to go.Awesome

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