Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Small Town Hockey Hero with a Big Heart

--by speedi, posted Sep 2, 2008

Our son is my newest "Hockey Hero."  He plays goalie on his small hometown ice hockey team. 

One weekend on matchday, we arrived a bit late and quickly found our seats and settled in.  As I looked around, I noticed we were sitting with a family who had a mentally and physically handicapped child.  We could hear the exciement in his voice when he said, "Mom, look the goalie is going to get the puck now!" Shamelessly, I listened to him and the excitment and joy in his voice as praised the goalie time and time again. 

During the break, we went and told our son what was happening in the bleachers and, bless his heart, he went up into the bleachers, introduced himself to the parents and sat next to this young lad.  He started talking to him and before long the boy was trying on our son's gloves, blocker and helment.  When the game was about to start again, my son told him to enjoy the game as he went back out on the ice.  The small child was soooo excited he kept telling his parents, "The goalie is my friend.  He is so nice!" 

Our son waved at this youngster several times during the second half of the match and the smile on his face lit up the whole arena.  After the game, I saw my son talking to the coaches before leaving the ice.  He then skated over towards us and motioned for the boy's dad to come down.  He then handed him the game puck and asked him to give it to his little boy.  Everyone sitting in that section of the bleachers (we had all seen and heard what was going on) had tears in their eyes and the biggest smiles on their faces.  Needless to say we are very proud hockey parents and our son is our new hero!!

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Readers Comments

Lydia wrote: Well your is not only a hero but. What i can't say with words. He has a heart of gold. May he grow more in love and care each day. That story is inspiring. Thanks. God bless you and yo son.
BedBug wrote: Your story really choked me up. What a special son you have. When you give him a hug the next time, will you please then give him a second hug and tell him it's from someone on the internet who read about his selfless gestures and was inspired and moved? I want him to understand how very rare he is. Thank you.
Nellimoz wrote: It is really an inspiring story, ur son is a real hero
Dr Siddiqui wrote: It is truly a heart warming tale. May it lead and inspire a lifetime of joy to u and to all those who come in contact with ur son.
Lynda wrote: We nned more like your son. Most just get bothered by special kids or try to ignore them. Thank you for the story. Your son is so blessed and yall as parents must be very proud!
mercy wrote: I actually wept ,as i could feel the parents of handicap son. That somebody could show them love. Thanks
ethicalernie wrote: Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your son truly is an angel,we sure could use more in our society today. God bless you and your family my friend. The lord be with you.
yetunde wrote: Your boy is an angle. I pray people will always put smiles on faces
Jo-Naathan wrote: Your son through his gesture, and you, through your sharing through this site, has touched many hearts and have put a smile on many faces. Thank you.
LaVerne wrote: What a great story! It literally brought me to tears. Your son is a great person with great parents. You should be very proud of him as he should be very proud of you. God bless you! :)

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