Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Small Town Hockey Hero with a Big Heart

--by speedi, posted Sep 2, 2008

Our son is my newest "Hockey Hero."  He plays goalie on his small hometown ice hockey team. 

One weekend on matchday, we arrived a bit late and quickly found our seats and settled in.  As I looked around, I noticed we were sitting with a family who had a mentally and physically handicapped child.  We could hear the exciement in his voice when he said, "Mom, look the goalie is going to get the puck now!" Shamelessly, I listened to him and the excitment and joy in his voice as praised the goalie time and time again. 

During the break, we went and told our son what was happening in the bleachers and, bless his heart, he went up into the bleachers, introduced himself to the parents and sat next to this young lad.  He started talking to him and before long the boy was trying on our son's gloves, blocker and helment.  When the game was about to start again, my son told him to enjoy the game as he went back out on the ice.  The small child was soooo excited he kept telling his parents, "The goalie is my friend.  He is so nice!" 

Our son waved at this youngster several times during the second half of the match and the smile on his face lit up the whole arena.  After the game, I saw my son talking to the coaches before leaving the ice.  He then skated over towards us and motioned for the boy's dad to come down.  He then handed him the game puck and asked him to give it to his little boy.  Everyone sitting in that section of the bleachers (we had all seen and heard what was going on) had tears in their eyes and the biggest smiles on their faces.  Needless to say we are very proud hockey parents and our son is our new hero!!

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Readers Comments

lOVEBUG wrote: You have a right to be proud, you did a good job in raising your son. My husband always tells me the apple never falls far from the tree.
lmil1954 wrote: LOVEBUG took the words right out of my mouth!!! You are doing a wonderful job raising quite a young man! God bless you! LindaM:)
JuneBug wrote: You deserve more than a pat on the back! Great job!!!!!!!! :}
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You have raised a kind hearted son and have every right to be proud. Thank you for sharing this story with us!
AURELIA wrote: I am more than touched by this beautiful sign of love for a stranger. You are raising a special child who is definitely going to make a big difference in the world through his kindness...and he already is. :) ~Aurelia
kelpies wrote: nice story thankyou for sharing
sabrina wrote: You are lucky to have such a loving and caring son ! God bless him and you for bringing such a wonderful son into this world.
Cheers to him!
brighteyes wrote: Is your chest swelled with pride yet...your son sounds like a gem! ;)
sanserif wrote: Great story! You are indeed so blessed to have such a son! :-)
dewolfe wrote: This story has brought tears into my eyes. This is an amazing example of how just a little action can brighten a life! That boy (as well as your son I'm sure) will never forget this moment. What an amazing son you have raised, what an amazing person he is.

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