Readers Comments
kiwicat wrote: What an angel!! Im glad your Dad is safe now x
splain wrote: So lucky that he was helped. What a lovely person to help your dad. There are some lovely people out there and after a time on KS good things happen.
Tien wrote: I love to know that there is not even a single moment when angels aren't right here comforting, listening, guiding us and that they come in so many forms, even as inspiring thoughts or added confidence, as well as people who are kind to us in ways that touch our hearts.
Mish wrote: Had similar experience with my Mom many years ago. A roadside angel rescued her too. Glad your Dad is safe & sound, SeaMar . Bless you both & bless his Angel.
savraj wrote: This is beautiful. Thankyou. I'm sure one day you'll be able to pay it forward. In fact you already have by sharing this story.
kjoyw wrote: My Dad had similar thing happen to him about a month before lhe was diagnosed with dementia. He was still driving, though he shouldn't have been, and was headed to our house. He made it to our neighborhood but couldn't find our house. Some angel neighbors a block or so away (that we did not know) guided him here, because he could remember what the flowers on our front porch looked like. Will always be so very grateful for those angel neighbors.
Novice50 wrote: Blessings to all - may we all be safe
KindMyst wrote: So glad your dad was being watched by Good Samaritan. We all need good people like this.
mindyjourney wrote: Oh my! Sending gratitude of much love and Light to your dear father's angel helper.
melnotes wrote: Beautiful angels surround us and are just a thought away :)