Readers Comments
AURELIA wrote: Cassie, What a "sweet" story. I am so happy that you were there for your new friend. Thank you for having a kind heart and a listening ear. Listening is a very special gift...I love to listen...but remember, if you listen it becomes a big responsibility on your part to know not to gossip about what you hear. She trusted you and High School gossip is very hurtful. I know you are very caring, I just wanted to remind you though. I'm so glad you joined us is our venture to do good.~Smile~ :) Aurelia
AURELIA wrote: P.S. Cassie, why don't you pick out your outfit for school and put the smile cards in your back pocket. You definitely will need them to pass out tomorrow...I'm sure of it. :)~Aurelia
Raqui wrote: That is a wonderful story maybe you to shall share some more kindness i believe people cross paths for a reason. GOOD FOR YOU i am so happy.
lmil1954 wrote: What a precious story. I think you are wonderful. Love, Linda:)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a wondeful story! I'm sure she was very happy to hear what you are doing. Keep it up!
brighteyes wrote: you are doing a RAOk and run into someone who needs some smiles and encouragement and a new friend...viola, now a double kindness.
Keep your heart open and be ever vigilant and you my dear, are already making a difference in others lives.
You also got all of us, smiling too. ;)
Keep your heart open and be ever vigilant and you my dear, are already making a difference in others lives.
You also got all of us, smiling too. ;)