Stories by Kaige (4 matches)

May I Share My Blessing With You?

My mom created a garden for me in my very own front yard. She planted beautiful, red Salvia and even mulched around them with nice red mulch. When she was done, everything was so transformed and lovely. I couldn't believe that she had done all of that just for me. All day long I looked out of my front door and smiled at what a gift she had given me by the work of her own 2 little hands. I'm filled with gratitude when I reflect on all that she has done for me to show me that she cares for me and will be my shoulder in any and all situations. She's my stability in ways that she can't begin to imagine. Each day I'll be able to see her effort flourish before my very eyes. She even planted flowers that will attract certain birds and butterflies ( one of my ... Read Full Story >>

1624 Reads

Little Things Mean A Lot ( To Me )

Today was a special day for me. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to spread a little love and kindness today.  I had doctor's appointments in a town that's about 45 minutes from where I live and I enjoy the drive there because I get to see the mountains reveal themselves the further north I travel. After both my appointments were done, I thanked everyone who had tended to me and started walking down from the building ( through a somewhat lengthy breezeway) and I noticed an elderly woman sort of pacing at the end. I excused myself and asked if she was waiting for someone or did she need assistance. As it turns out, she was having trouble walking the distance and had paged for a wheelchair and staff member to pick her up. No one had come for several minutes. Now, let me explain something, Virginia heat, ... Read Full Story >>

1353 Reads

Grateful for being able to help family

I have had one of the best days of my year this week because I had the chance to spend time with my big brother. My brother is one of the most burly, independent and strong men I have ever known. He very seldom asks for assistance with anything (as he is quite prideful as well) so whenever he asks for help, I make sure I go running to do it. As a matter of fact, I have a sweet way of volunteering my time. I call him early in the morning and ask if there is anything I can do to help him throughout the day and that it would make me so happy if I ever could. It works most of the time and I rejoice in the experience. My brother has what we call 'an old soul'. He is very mature and levelheaded. He's made very good decisions and ... Read Full Story >>

1278 Reads

You Never Know

Yesterday I took my son shopping with me. He's 18 years old. We went out to buy Thank You cards for people who sent me birthday cards this week. I also bought a garden plaque for a friend who often prays for me.

Birthdays are a pretty big deal for me. I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at the beginning of last year. Being kind and hopefully inspiring to every and anyone that I can has always been a part of who I am, now I use my time making sure that I convey my appreciation as freely as I possibly can.
I give warm hugs to people that I encounter when I go out because you never know when connecting to someone will lift their spirits. For the time that I have, I want to spend it being a light to others. This will be my second birthday inside of my diagnosis. I intend on spending it doing kind deeds and passing out Smile Cards.

640 Reads

'Kaige' Also Commented on These Stories

Crossing Paths

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Dog Walking Therapy

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