Stories by Samantha (2 matches)

Timely Email

Today (6/10/06) opening up my daily email (to find the Smile newsletter) couldn't have come at a better time. My fiance is currently overseas and the last few days I have been having a really difficult time. Today we talked online and our conversation was fine until I started to bring up the 'colors' for the wedding. It was time for him to go to bed and I was in tears just out of frustration but its obvious that its not the 'colors' that I am frustrated with but its just everything. He's been gone since last August and its very possible he won't be home until next February and it's been too long. He left the conversation after he told me he loved me and for the 5th time becuase he had kept telling me he had to go and instead I kept going on and on about everything. ... Read Full Story >>

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Giving A 'Lift' To Others Like Me

I will be using these cards to send them out to those that have given me the help and support that I have needed in the last few years and especially the last few months.

I also plan to pass on a car to those people I know who are in need of a smile and a 'lift'. Especially others whose loved ones are away with the military. I know that if I were to recieve something like this right now with my fiance being overseas, it would brighten my day so I hope to be able to do that for others in any way I can.

1312 Reads

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