Stories by liliana (2 matches)

My 24 Hours With Hope

Yesterday, was a beautiful Saturday morning, Memorial Day Weekend in New Jersey.   My partner and I decided to invite our friends for an all Day BBQ, cocktails, food and some volleyball.  In the summers, we love to have lots of people visit us. While I was in our patio, setting up the volleyball net, I saw this little tiny newborn bird that appeared to have just fallen from a huge tree.  I was amazed at how tiny he was! He was not moving at all, but his little eyes were open  and looking all around.   So I grabbed him and he just stayed there in my hand and opened his mouth really wide. :)   "Oh yes, he's hungry," I said to myself.   I went inside the house, and gave him water with a little baby pump and tiny pieces of bread. He ate it all. Although I couldn't see any ... Read Full Story >>

5252 Reads

A Volunteering Experience that Became a Lifelong Connection

Last year, I kept having this nagging feeling I was living just for the "me, me, me.” With this in mind, I decided to volunteer to break out of this me-centricity. After reaching out to a number of organizations, I got a call back from a dance studio in New Jersey. On my first day volunteering, a remarkable young girl caught my eye. That girl could dance! Aside from her natural skill, which was a delight to witness, she simply lit up the room. She was African American, ten years old and she wore the more endearing big-rimmed glasses. At the end of class, I had to ask her, “How long have you been taking lessons?” She replied shyly, "I wish... I have never taken a class.” I was speechless.  Her teacher told me she lived in a group home, and then and there I knew what I felt called to do. ... Read Full Story >>

2885 Reads

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