Stories by maryvanvliet1949 (1 matches)

A Prayer Rock Minister

You might've heard the story of a person walking along a beach who kept throwing starfish back into the ocean to save their lives.A passerby commented that the task was useless since the man couldn't save all of the starfish, but the man continued to throw them back anyway because he felt that each one he did save was important. A few years ago I had to have thyroid surgery. Because I am a school teacher, I was terrified that I would never speak again. I shared my fear with my minister, and she gave me a "prayer stone" to take with me into surgery. I had the nurse tape it on my arm during surgery and many people "commented" about the rock taped to my arm. As I awaited my operation, people on the stretchers next to me asked about my "stone" and when ... Read Full Story >>

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