Stories by barefootdiva (2 matches)

Caught In the Train Tracks

I was speaking with my sister on the phone last night and we got into a conversation about her work. She works in a market. I asked her how come her market doesn't have wheel chairs with baskets. She wasn't sure why but explained to me when someone comes in the store in a wheel chair they offer personal assistance and a worker will walk around the store with them and shop, helping with reaching hard to get items. What a nice way for someone in that situation to connect with folks I thought. Conversation while shopping and getting to know one another personally. My sister ended up telling me she saw one of the regular wheel chair shoppers while driving home. He appeared to be caught on the train track as cars just rode by him in the slow rain that day. It was an area where the train would have been ... Read Full Story >>

2071 Reads

Giving a Cup Fills the Sprit

   Many days I'm on the run, just as many others are. There are times that my husband will call my cell phone and say, "I just called to see how your day is going." It always brings a smile to my face when he does it. So simple but so very powerful.

   We have a few coffee pots and one of them makes only a single cup of coffee. I made my one cup and he looked at the pot as he was ready to head out for work and asked if he could take a little bit of the coffee. I said, "You know that only makes one cup, there's not enough for two." He said okay and went outside to wait for his ride. When he went out the door I felt awful in the way I replied to him. I hurried to make him a cup of coffee and was able to get it to him just as his ride was ready to leave. His face brightened up and he said so sweetly, "Aw, you made me a cup." It touched my heart dearly and stayed with me throughout the day.

   Being selfish does nothing for me; giving fills my spirit.

1589 Reads

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