Stories by debannball (2 matches)

Investing Love In Young Children

My childcare job allowed me to positively impact children from a young age while staying at home with my own children.  One single mom found my fees beyond her reach at times when she was short of cash and/or between jobs.  She brought her daughter to me as often as possible but sometimes had to resort to less expensive babysitters. Upon returning to me after a lapse of attendance, the daughter acted withdrawn, timid, and scared.  Realizing that childcare from multiple babysitters was negatively affecting the child's emotions, I reached an agreement with the mother to give her child a consistent caring environment under my watch.  Accordingly, the mother paid when she could.  When she was short of cash and/or between jobs, she dropped off her child under the guise of being my daughter's friend for the day. This arrangement paid off abundantly.  As the children I babysat reached school age and ... Read Full Story >>

1994 Reads

A Valentine's Day Smile For a Wonderful Mother

One of my co-workers is a young single mother who is one of the sweetest and kindest people I have met.  She only has a part time position and is always struggling to make ends meet but she always makes sure her daughter is well cared for.  She does her best to make sure her daughter has a good Christmas and good birthdays despite always struggling to pay her bills.  In February, I bought a heart shaped bank and put 50 loonies in it. I gave it to her on Valentine’s day.  She was so grateful, she was overflowing with joy and she gave me a huge hug. 

I still to this day well up with tears a little bit when I think of the happiness and joy it brought her.


1597 Reads

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