Stories by mssmileyface (4 matches)

A Man Without Shoes

Today, as I was riding a transit bus from Unicity to downtown, I did not realize that I would be a witness to something amazing. The ride was, as usual, long and uneventful, until we reached the corner of Portage and Main Street. That's when the driver pulled over. This, of course, surprised all of the passengers on the bus. But, what happened next still brings tears to my eyes. The bus driver jumped off the bus to chat with a man that looked to be down on his luck; by all accounts, a homeless man. I first thought the driver was going to offer the man a ride until our driver took off his own shoes and gave them to the man on the sidewalk. That is when I realized that the man the driver was chatting with was barefoot. The bus was dead silent. I think we were all stunned and ... Read Full Story >>

9632 Reads

World Kindness Week Day 2 - Alvin, The School Bus Driver

I took the bus to school every day when I was in grade school. Alvin, our bus driver, came by every morning at 8:00 to pick us up.   We were lower income families. My parents barely made ends meet for them and five of us kids.   Alvin picked up around twenty kids in our area and dropped us off after school. About once a month he would make a stop at the local drive-in. Someone would come out and ask each of us if we wanted an ice cream or a drink. Alvin would pay for the whole bus out of his own pocket.  The kindness that he showed was amazing.  We didn't get treats like that too often and they are fondly remembered.     I remember him picking us up at the end of the school year and taking us to his home for a barn dance. He would provide drinks and ... Read Full Story >>

5316 Reads

Sticky Note Smiles

About a month ago, I went out to purchase post-it notes, and colorful markers, and I put on my thinking cap! 

Messages of love, forgiveness, patience, gratitude and happiness went on those sticky notes, and I posted them in public spaces where I thought it would make someone smile to find it.

It's not much, but it makes me happy to do it.  I hope that once someone else finds a note, they will receive the happiness that I feel, and perhaps even pay-it-forward! :)

3134 Reads

More Listening Than Talking

I have been doing more listening than talking lately.  

You would be surprised at how many clues you can pick up on what people need in life when they are talking about anything and everything.  

While listening to someone I am usually searching for little things I can do to make their lives a bit easier.  

Try it. You will be amazed at what you can pick up.

1680 Reads

'mssmileyface' Also Commented on These Stories

Top 10 Kindness Stories of 2012, Story #8 - An Anonymous Gift I'll Always Remember