Stories by glenystas (3 matches)

The Great Commuknitty Event Continues

I live in Tasmania, an island state to the south of mainland Australia; quite close to Hobart our capital city. Just before Easter 2018, I heard a report that our island state was going to experience a harsh winter. This got me thinking about the homeless in our community and the effect a harsh cold winter would have on them. Some years previously I had knitted some beanies and donated them to an organisation called St Vincent de Paul who ran a Van around lower socioeconomic areas supplying hot soup and sandwiches each evening. I was thinking that there is only so much knitting I can do, and that one person wouldn’t be able to make much of a difference. I gave the situation some more thought and touched base with two Neighbourhood Houses I had contact with and put a proposal to them, (Risdon Vale and Rokeby Neighbourhood Houses). That we ... Read Full Story >>

1480 Reads

Knitting Warmth for People Living Outside

Winter is fast approaching here in Tasmania, Australia and this coming one is expected to be one of the coldest in quite a while. We have people who cannot find properties to rent. We also have  Community Centres that  provide lunches and food parcels for people doing it tough and I have kept in contact with two local Community Centres over the years. I approached them recently regarding an idea for a knitathon, whereby people could donate knitted items (hats, gloves, scarves, slipper socks, rugs) and get a certificate and I would try to get some items donated to provide some prizes. I talked to a friend at work who has franchises for 3 bakeries in the greater Hobart area to see if she would be able to donate a couple of gift vouchers... WELL! she was so taken with the idea she and her husband have donated over 300 vouchers for a ... Read Full Story >>

1313 Reads

It Is Wheelie Hard To Reach Inside The Freezer Cabinet When You Are In Wheelchair.

I was just doing my shopping, reading from my list and getting things - when I noticed a gentleman in a wheelchair looking into the freezer display just along from me. I asked if he needed assistance and reached in and got a couple of items for him. He was also looking for another item which he mentioned but it was not in the section we were at. He thanked me for helping him and we went our separate ways, moments later I noticed the item he was looking for in a different freezer cabinet. I caught up with him and he came back to the freezer area. He was happy that I had found the item he was wanting, we then ended up next to each other at the checkout, I left feeling I had found a friend, and he left with the items he required.   ... Read Full Story >>

1203 Reads

'glenystas' Also Commented on These Stories

Bus Driver's First Day

The Snow-ball Effect Of One Random Act

Passing It On


A Slice of Kindness

The Power of Open Invitations

My First Smile Card Experience - But Not the Last!

It All Started With Her Young Son's Bicycle Tire

Kindness for Kindness

Celebrate with Giving

"Santa" to the Rescue

Sisters Dressing Up

Street Cleaner

The Gift of Playing the Harp

A Safe Sanctuary For Baby Abrielle

Quarters For an act of Kindness To Pay Forward

Book Finds A New Home

​What I Learned From My 60 Deliberate Acts In 60 Days Kindness Birthday Challenge

Low Income Rich

Secret Santa