Stories by Faye (2 matches)

People on the Corner

Many years ago my observant 7 year old was in our car on her way to school. This particular day we drove by many displaced/homeless people who were asking for help.  She asked why the same people were asking for help everyday and why no one was helping.  I really did not have an uncomplicated answer to this question. So I decided to ask her how she thought she could help. This beautiful little girl had so many ideas flowing out of her I couldn't keep up. There were a few good ideas flying past me just as the time did that morning.  The next day on the morning trip to school my daughter asked me to stop at each corner where a homeless person stood.  I asked why but was quickly informed to wait and see. Stop #1 - I rolled down my widow and asked the gentleman to come ... Read Full Story >>

4837 Reads

Gift of a Stone

I work in a very demanding position within the medical community and would absolutely  "crash and burn" without my assistant.  Ellen is an incredible young woman with a very exciting career ahead of her.  She will finish up her thesis this summer and then move to another state to begin her new life.  This will be a very difficult day but none-the-less a day to be celebrated.  In the mean time, I try to let Ellen know just how appreciated she is.  Words are wonderful and meaningful when expressing thoughts so I offer her thanks when I can.  For example, when we are involved in a project and get so busy we forget to take a break I make time to send her a nice little e-mail offering my appreciation. There are other little tokens of kindness provided to Ellen during our time together: the usual lunch, coffee or last ... Read Full Story >>

1810 Reads

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