Stories by Abbajii (5 matches)

They Met as Two Strangers in an Elevator but Left as Family

I received a call from my colleague and friend on Wednesday night that he had to go into the hospital emergency with a high fever and severe body ache. The doctors admitted him in the hospital for tests and treatment. I wished him speedy recovery and promised to visit him at the hospital the next day. Next day I went to work as usual but wore one of my good suits to the office. I reached the office a little early so that I could finish my work and get off earlier, so I could go and visit my friend in the hospital without rushing around. I finished what had to be done, urgently the rest I put away for the next day and got out early. I went into the local shop bought a basket of fruits for my friend and reached the Hospital with plenty of time on ... Read Full Story >>

3347 Reads

Witnessing a life lived with a different set of rules

I realize that we all live in a world where mutual trust is in short supply. Seems like everywhere I go, I have to prove my identity and trustworthiness - whether it's a bank, shop or any office. I have been conditioned to live by the rule that, no one is trustworthy unless proves otherwise. I need proof for everything. Yesterday I saw a young man who lived by a totally different set of rules. I was walking along a busy intersection. I had just gotten out of  a crowded ATM to take out some money. I was very careful to make sure no one was standing  behind me or  was looking over my shoulder not even  too close to me to be able to see what I was typing into the ATM machine. I came out into the street and noticed a young man standing near the pedestrian crossing selling toys and trinkets. Normally I ... Read Full Story >>

3058 Reads

Passing Forward The Kindness I Recived Many Years Ago

Many years ago while waiting in a long queue at a busy check in counter in an airport I passed out. I had rushed to the airport on an empty stomach. I have never forgotten the kindness of two strangers who picked me up stayed with me until I regained consciousness and gave me a hot drink that they had bought from the cafeteria. Having made sure I was OK they rushed off because their fight was already boarding. Yesterday I had some way of paying it forward. I went with some colleagues from my office for a dinner to a local very popular restaurant. It was peak business time and the restaurant was packed. We finally found a table in a corner for three of us. It was so crowded that the cleaning boy was just clearing our table as we were sitting down, while the waitress apologized for all the ... Read Full Story >>

2950 Reads

A Christmas Tradition of Spreading Warmth

Two days before Christmas I was out in town finishing all the last minute shopping and I had not noticed it was pretty late and was closing time for all the shops. I hailed a taxi and piled in all the bags of shopping and presents and was on my way home. I looked out of the window and saw that many homeless people were settling down on the empty pavements in the cold night with very little to cover themselves and keep them warm. I had a sudden idea. The day I went to the shops and bought as many blankets and and quilts which were on sale and in the evening after business time set out in my car along the same route I had seen the homeless people on the pavement the previous night. I found several of them in the same spot. Most of them were curled ... Read Full Story >>

2573 Reads

Unexpected Massage Turned the Day Around

I woke up a little late for work this morning with a bit of a sore neck. I rushed around my house getting ready for my day and reached my work place in a tearing rush. I was grumpy and grouchy and just nodded to people without a smile as I rushed past my colleagues down the corridor of my office, until I met the regular security man near the lift to my office. He gave me a warm smile, noticed me rubbing my neck, and quickly slipped behind me and proceeded to give me the most wonderful massage of my sore neck and shoulders. I was feeling very embarrassed but it felt so good! I just stood there enjoying the massage in spite of the crowd looking at both of us with amusement. Before I could even turn around to say thank you he was busy with some other errand. The ... Read Full Story >>

1439 Reads

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