Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness in Illness

About 10 years ago I was in a coma. One nurse who bathed me always talked to me like I was "here". A dear friend came and read every Saturday. My 12 children took turns taking vigil.

The neurologist told them I'd pribably die and if I didn't I'd be a vegetable. I awoke after 2 strokes. I went from not seeing, couldn't talk and couldn't move to making steady progress. I learned to talk, got my memory back, began a new job and drive. Yes I'm paralyzed on my right side but the Lord healed me. There is always hope if we band together in prayer.

2207 Reads

Got Up Off My Bed

For a long time, I have been toying with the idea of going abroad to do something worthwhile, a voluntary thing, either working with kids or animals... and have been spoiled for choices with the kind of organised things you can pick, different causes, different countries. It's very expensive though. And I was puzzling over how can I be able to afford the flights and costs and everything. And impatience took over me. I thought "I can't wait to do something, I have to do something worthwhile NOW!!" So I just got up off my bed, went downstairs and started making sandwiches and put some crisps and some biscuits and an apple into about 6 little disposable picnic bags, called a couple of friends and told them my idea - "we're going into the city to give this food out to the homeless!" My friends loved the idea and we ... Read Full Story >>

4883 Reads

Healthy Hand

I run a quite large Glyconutritional company and i travel all over the world helping people with their health challenges. Quite often I give these supplements to people who are ill and cannot afford these products. It would be nice to have some smile cards to give to these people. Thank you

1875 Reads
  • Posted by Judy Abbott
  • Aug 7, 2006
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The Little Things in Life

I came across your site and ordered some cards. What a wonderfull idea!! I use my cards in the eight items or less isle by picking someone behind me and leaving enough money to cover the cost of their items along with a smile card.I also do this at corner shops by paying for either milk or butter and leaving a card with the attendant,saying the next person who is scratching to get milk money,give them the milk and smile card.

Its the little things in life, sometimes when a little something comes your way when you most need it, it can restore your faith that there are still nice people out there amongst the rest of society. Thank you!! :)

1438 Reads
  • Posted by Danielle Wardle
  • Aug 7, 2006
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Inspiring others

I am a building contractor in Lynchburg, Virginia. I spend a great deal of my spare time volunteering with Habitat For Humanity. I have spent 16 years trying to give more to Habitat than I receive. It just is not possible.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, our local Habitat affiliate raised the bar once again. We recently dedicated a home that was built by volunteers with mental and physical challenges. We called it The Special Build- Unlimited Possibilities. Volunteers were teamed up with people with special needs in a buddy system to build a the home. You could almost see people's hearts growing as these relationships evolved. It was a blessing for all involved.

We had special palm nailers so people with limited hand/arm motor skills could nail. We set up a work table in front of the home so people in wheelchairs could make parts and pieces.

At the dedication of the home, one young woman in a wheelchair spoke and said, "Just give us a chance. We might look a little different but that doesn't mean we can't build. It may take a little longer, but we will get it done."

1566 Reads
  • Posted by Tom Gerdy
  • Aug 7, 2006
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My Vacation

I work at the Menorah Park Adult Day Center. I heard about the smile card from a friend and I immediately ordered some cards. It's been a while since I had them and waited for an important event to hand them out to staff.

That important event was my vacation. Knowing that I would be gone for a little over 2 weeks, I decided to leave a little "peace" of me behind to keep the staff guessing. I didn't put my name on the card, all I did was sent out an email to describe what would be happening during my absence and at the end I left off with're it!

Everyone loved the cards and now we see them at random where ever we go. It was nice to have the cards because I did a similiar thing to go on maternity leave 1 1/2 years ago, where I left 12" diameter smiley faces. It just keeps staff in a good mood and reminds them to smile to a neighbor or help out where needed. Thanks

1507 Reads
  • Posted by Suzanne
  • Aug 6, 2006
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Good Karma

I'm a big believer in 'karma'-I'm always feeding parking meters as I walk down the road, opening doors - practicing random acts of kindness as much as I can because I believe that all the good you do for others comes back to you ten fold...that you can help create your own happiness by making others happy.

1825 Reads

Breast Cancer Blessing

Wow! What a diagnosis. I just kept telling myself that if I can get through this Chemo, I will give back and help others.

It truly has changed me and opened my eyes to all of the blessings that we take for granted. It was very humbling to me as I watched my hair falling out in the shower. My strength came from my faith, family, and friends. I am 3 yrs out after having 2 consecutive surgeries for mastectomy. God leads us where he wants us to be.

I was lead to become involved with raising money for breast cancer through donations to Susan B. Komen funding. We made a hospital wide recipe book as I am an R.N. at a St. Louis, Mo. based hospital. We made #1 medical group for donations and contributions this year. We also helped St. Louis to become the largest Komen foundation "Race for the Cure" of over 64,000 participants.

This would not have happened for me if my own diagnosis had not occurred. I am very happy to be giving back a small amount of what has been given to me by such thoughtful people, family and friends.

3106 Reads

Spreading the Kindness

I plan to have myself and 9 friends spread kindness in our city. I am not sure what my act will be exactly and maybe as a group we will do something. I have a great group of friends who have helped me through a really hard time and I would like to spread some of the energy they have given me to others.

1844 Reads
  • Posted by Debi Bodden
  • Aug 3, 2006
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Thank you

I met him during a certification course. In the first meeting I thought he was a very self-centered person. At the time my father was suffering from cancer and we were in a very low phase of life. He noticed my worries one day and asked me the reason. When I told him about my father he asssured me that nothing will happen and he will pray for him.

I was very toched by his gesture. The next day he gave me some chants and said that he prayed for my father. He was a very spiritual person. He used to anticipate what would happen in the future in advance. He was an expert in almost everything. He never gave me any contact number, but whenever i was in trouble, he was just there. He helped me in almost everything and whenever I wanted to thank him, he would just smile and say, "thank GOD because I am just doing my duty."

Soon he bacame my guide and friend. One day he vanished maybe because he thought that I didn't need any further help. I don't know where is he but i am sure he must be helping someone, doing his duty and making people believe in GOD. As he told me not to thank him, i just thank God for sending his agent to my life. Thanks.

1365 Reads

Hope in Humanity

I have always believed that there is innate kindness in everyone. I always make it a point to smile at everyone even to those I do not particularly like. I admit it's quite hard to be nice at all times with all my own burdens and stuff but when I hear others say thank you or when I see them glow whenever I have done something nice unexpectedly, my efforts are not in vain.

I believe that we should all be extra nice to everyone we meet because everyone is fighting some kind of battle and it would do good if we can ease their burdens and make them not lose hope in humanity and in the world.:)

1688 Reads
  • Posted by Febrey Joy Beloy
  • Aug 1, 2006
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A Pen With A Smile

I recently went to the bank to cash a check that I had. I really didn't want to go, but I knew that I had to so I decided that I would make the trip to the bank worthwhile and fun!

I grabbed this smiley pen that I had been saving and smile card and I attached it to the pen along with a post it note that said "Keep the pen, smile, and pass on the card!"

When I got my money out of the tube that the bank sends back and forth, I slipped in the pen and cards, so that the next person that came to cash their check, would get more than just money...they would get a bank smile!

3537 Reads

Looking for Josephs

She stood looking at every tag on the tree for over an hour. Ten years old and a heart of gold, she decided that she would give up one of her Christmas gifts to the boy named Joseph who needed clothes but wanted a skateboard.

Money was tight in our household but her argument was "Mom, I have a lot to be thankful for; maybe he doesn't have that much." That year when she unwrapped her empty gift box, she read the word Joseph in it. My daughter smiled her beautiful smile and we cried.

Ten years later, I lost that daughter in a car accident.

It's been 9 years and each Christmas I stand in front of the tree of angels at the store for an hour, searching for the "Josephs" who will get her gifts.

One year, a 15 year old girl wrote, "My baby brother needs clothes more than I need a photo album and film." So I got her box of scrapbook and photo supplies and I hope they had as much fun with it as I had shopping for her.

I know my Angel girl was watching over me that year. The girl's name was Johanna ... the same as my daughter.

4324 Reads

RAK Spreading Fast

I thought that everyone should hear this! My local radio station started this thing called "KSOK's Random Acts Of Kindness." They have a party bus and randomly go out and suprise people.

They have partnered with a local bank and go around to local businesses. For instance, today, they pulled into Sonic and stood at the door and waited for a big order and they followed the waiter to the car and paid for the whole meal! They also go to places like the grocery store and pay for random people's groceries! They pop up in many places!

I thought that it was cool that the randomness of being nice is finally starting to catch on!

1861 Reads


This reminded me of something I used to do some 20 years ago. It was a very cold winter in Salinas, Ca. I would go to the Dollar Store and buy mittens, knitted hats, and gloves. Whenever I would drive around and notice a homeless person without one of these items, I would ask if they would like one.

I received such a blessing to see their face light up, as I would drive away I'd call out to them and say, GOD BLESS YOU. It made me feel good that not only their body, but soul would be warmer over such an inexpensive item.

On Friday nights I would go to the bakery and buy day old donuts and offer them to the teenage boys skateboarding in the parking lot. If I had extra I would get them a hot chocolate.

Those were the happiest days of my life.

1837 Reads

My Grandma's Breakfast at IHOP

I have been using the smile cards for quite a while, and I try to get my family members to do it with me. It is a lot of fun.

Recently, my grandparents went on a trip to New Mexico, and on their way home they stopped at an IHOP to eat breakfast. When they had finished, the guy came over with the bill, but when my grandfather opened up the folder containing the bill, there was nothing!

The waiter said the a young man had paid for their breakfast! They were so suprised! My grandmother called me and told me the story and said that "wasn't it like those cards that I used!" And I said yes, it was. She thought that it was awesome and now she wants some cards!

It just goes to prove that if you do nice things for others, nice things will happen to you!

3370 Reads

Web comment:

I found out about your email from "Quote-A-Day," and was so inspired, I forwarded it to everyone I know. Now all my neighbors want to split a bunch of cards, especially to give to our kids. It's one thing to talk abstractly about committing random acts of kindness with kids, but I think having an actual physical manifestation of the idea will help kids (and us grownups!) literally "hold onto" the idea -- and pass it on. Looking forward to making it a fun, positive "game" to play with all our kids. Thank you for this brilliant idea, and for making the world a better place, one kind act at a time. Blessings to all! :-) sue

1836 Reads
  • Posted by Sue Piozet
  • Jul 25, 2006
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An Unforgettable Birthday Gift

My daughter's birthday is May 29. She was 6 by then. As it was Monday, we prefered to celebrate it earlier, i.e. on Saturday 27 May. This was easier for me as I'm free on Saturdays. On Thursday the entire family was busy packing the presents and putting funny pins on them. I promised my litte princess that I would wake her up early in the morning and distribute the presents to her classmates. I woke up at 05:30. After I took a bath, I planned to wake her up ... but.... as I came out from the bathroom, I realized that an earthquake struck. I screamed to wake my husband up and asked him to carry my daughter; and ran out of our house. We were watching our house swaying from outside. It happened for just 3 minutes, but... the piano thumbled down, tiles came down, some cracks appeared ... Read Full Story >>

10.9K Reads

Web comment:

When being asked, how will you use these cards?

I find homes for abandoned animals, I find them, put ad's in the paper, radio, posters, when I find one a home, I will pass out the card. I carry seniors groceries, transport women at shelters to appts. and court, I take in children till mothers an afford childcare from 1st or 2nd pay. I groceru shop for seniors.

Anything that I see where I can be of serivce, I try to help, the pay off? I FEEL GREAT!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"!

1744 Reads

With a Help of a Stranger

Hello, My name is Tracy and I wanted to arrange for a "Surprise Delivery" to my Dad at his office on his last day of employment right before Retiring.

I wanted to let him know that I was thinking of him and i truly wanted to be there to give him a hug at the office on the last morning knowing full well that he would be overwhelmed with mixed feelings. I live in Mississauga, Ontario Canada a completely different City from my Dad in St. Catharines, Ontario and time and location was a problem.

I was able to complete my surprise with the help of a stranger who only knew me by my voice on the other end of a telephone. He was completing an "act of kindness" by personally hand delivering the gift that I had purchased for my Dad.

I am truly grateful to Peter for doing this for me.I was filled with goosebumps knowing that my surprise is now possible due to the "act of kindnesss" from Peter in St. Catharines Ontario Canada. Thank you very much.

1719 Reads
  • Posted by Tracy Watson
  • Jul 22, 2006
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