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Top 10 Kindness Stories of 2011

For the first time last year, we featured a top ten list of stories published by our members in 2010 and it was very well received, so we decided to do it again and compile this year's top ten kindness stories of 2011 to share the inspiration!  1. Today You, Tomorrow Me During this past year I’ve had three instances of car trouble: a blowout on a freeway, a bunch of blown fuses and an out-of-gas situation. [...] Each time, when these things happened, I was disgusted with the way people didn’t bother to help. I was stuck on the side of the freeway hoping my friend’s roadside service would show, just watching tow trucks cruise past me. The people at the gas stations where I asked for a gas can told me that they couldn’t lend them out "for safety reasons," but that I could buy a really crappy one-gallon can, ... Read Full Story >>

106K Reads
  • Posted by HelpOthers
  • Jan 1, 2012
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Top 10 Kindness Stories of 2012, Story #2 - Saving The Planet, One Drop At a Time

"Aabid Surti is an odd character. A few years ago, the angular, bearded author was invited to meet the President of India to receive a national award for literature at a ceremony in the capital, New Delhi. He politely declined. Absorbed in writing the first draft of his new novel, he cited the reason that he did not have time. But what he has made time for every Sunday for seven years now, is going door-to-door in Mira Road, a non-descript suburb of Mumbai, with a plumber in tow, asking residents if they need their tap fixed for free!   As a distinguished Indian painter and author, Aabid has written around 80 books but no story so moved him as the truth about water scarcity on the planet. “I read an interview of the former UN chief Boutros Boutros Ghali,” he recalls, “who said that by 2025 more than 40 countries are expected to experience ... Read Full Story >>

14.4K Reads
  • Posted by aalif
  • Dec 31, 2013
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Quiet Dignity at a Truck Stop

A few years ago, I had a long commute to get home from work. One morning I was on my way home and was very tired after working a 12 hour night shift. I stopped at a local restaurant to have breakfast. It was really a truck stop and I was the only customer. Right after I placed my order I saw a man come in. He was carrying a small backpack and looked like he had seen better times. He reached in his pocket and pulled out some change. He asked the waitress if 38 cents was enough to buy a cup of coffee. She looked at his hand and said, "Of course. Have a seat." (Coffee was 50 cents a cup at the time.) It really struck me how she had tried to preserve his pride and how he had not asked for any charity. Shortly before my food came. I ... Read Full Story >>

6391 Reads

What Nelson Mandela Taught Me About Empathy

What Nelson Mandela Taught Me About Empathy Years ago, in 2007, I visited Sierra Leone to work with an organization, iEARN, which was using technology to help youth recover from the gruesome war which had left millions of lives destroyed. As I listened to stories, and then some more, as part of a project that we were doing to record peoples’ lives, I became emotionally distraught and confused, and angry at the perpetrators at the same time. However, there was an interesting demographic of people that I had mixed feelings towards, even compassion – child soldiers. Those youth who were brainwashed or forced into killing their brethren - their parents, grandparents, siblings – and becoming drugged and desensitized during the process. I wondered to myself, what was the reason for wars, in general, and how do people heal from such trauma? The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was ongoing to help bring forgiveness, ... Read Full Story >>

15.0K Reads
  • Posted by Sarika
  • Dec 12, 2013
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The Water Bearer and the Ceramic Pot

There once was a water bearer who every day to earn a living carried water from the distant river into the town where he lived. To do so, he owned two ceramic pots, which he hung at both ends of a pole he balanced over his shoulders . While one of the pots was bright red, smooth and perfectly waterproof, the other was old, discolored and a bit cracked, in fact it dripped water on the way. Each day the pot became a little more porous, and dripped a little more, till came a time it was only able to retain half of its content by the time they'd reach the town. This caused the pot great shame, and so finally, unable to contain its embarrassment, the pot addressed the water bearer: "Master, please break me! throw me! dispose of me! I can't stand this misery any longer, I'm unable to ... Read Full Story >>

7794 Reads

Slow Down: Beautiful Things Ahead

Massachusetts is notoriously known for bad traffic and aggressive drivers. I am occasionally included on this list. The past few weeks I started to consciously try something new: When I feel myself beginning to get agitated, I try to slow down and will let other drivers pass me or pull out in front of me. This simple action brings me calmly back to the present moment and makes my commute enjoyable. While I am sure other drivers appreciate the courteous action, I know I am the one benefiting the most from this act of kindness.

2659 Reads

Thank You Drivers

My vehicle is incapacitated, so I usually walk and ride the bus to get around. I usually make a point of saying thank you and wishing the bus driver a good day. Today, she did me a kindness. She stopped a block early and let me and another lady off, so that we could connect with another bus more easily.

People here drive rather rashly and it is tough for pedestrians cross the street easily, without nearly getting run over. Today, a woman stopped when she could of easily turned the corner before I crossed. I made a point of waving to her and saying thanks to her for waiting and letting me cross the street without the fear of getting hit.

3471 Reads

Thanking a Tireless Advocate

At the end of a long day, I emailed a nationally known leader, a tireless advocate for a cause about which I care deeply.

"I can't imagine how hard you work," I wrote, "but I know how hard I work, and how tired I get. I pray you get the rest you need and the love you deserve."

2259 Reads


For Day 2, reconnecting with an old pal, I sent a message to a woman I've known since pre-school (we're now 39!). She had a lot of challenges and personal difficulties in her life, struggles with drugs and alcohol, etc., but really pulled out of it and has become a counselor focusing on helping youth with drug and alcohol issues (!). Turns out that I caught her at exactly a time when she was really needing some support due to some marital issues, and she was really grateful that I had reached out and told her what an inspirational person I think she is.

2741 Reads
  • Posted by lisabohn
  • Jul 24, 2014
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Day # 11 - Spending time with the elderly!

Yesterday I invited my elderly neighbor over for lunch. She accepted but with the heavy rain that we have received she decided this morning that she preferred to remain inside today.

I was still moved to share a delicious meal with her so instead of giving up, I decided to go ahead and prepare the lunch and then fill a basket with a tin of her favorite chocolate chip cookies and a small potted plant.  

I took the lunch to her and she was delighted. She enjoyed and so did I and it reminded me of the special times spent with my late maternal grandmother, who I miss dearly! She and I would get together over a cup of coffee and some type of homemade goodie and have the most wonderful conversations. It was wonderful to remember Grandmother with a smile while sharing a smile with another sweet lady. What a nice afternoon!

9229 Reads
  • Posted by unknown
  • Sep 16, 2014
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Never Lose Hope

Today, a friend of mine was being picked on for always wearing the same sweater so I told the bully to stop, and he eventually did. Also, the class was being really rude to our teacher, so I told the teacher that no matter what, I was so appreciative that he was our teacher.

I just believe that it's nice to let people know how special they are and that they should never let themselves get down, because it's nice to know that you're appreciated for being just who you are. <3 (:

2496 Reads
  • Posted by herkaoly
  • Mar 19, 2015
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Thank You to Mrs. Noel, First Grade Teacher

Today's gratitude challenge encouraged me to think about something I take for granted and then to express gratitude for it by writing a story. Every day, the first things I do - and a large percentage of the rest of the things I do throughout the day - depend on my ability to read. Some decades ago , I joined 40 other six-year-olds as a member of the first township-wide first grade – the previous year, first graders in the township had still attended one-room schools, but the Baby Boom had reached even that rural corner of central Pennsylvania. Sprawling in comparison to the previous schools, the new building had a separate classroom for each grade. First grade had been assigned to a veteran teacher from one of the one-room schools named Mrs. Noel. I don’t know how she did it, but Mrs. Noel taught most of us the basics of reading. In ... Read Full Story >>

3707 Reads
  • Posted by nancy.millichap
  • Jan 25, 2015
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10 Ways to Live Simply in 2015

Although simplicity has a long history, we are now entering radically changing times—ecological, social, economic, and psycho-spiritual—and we should expect the worldly expressions of simplicity to evolve and grow in response. For more than thirty years I’ve explored the “simple life” and I’ve found that simplicity is not simple. I’ve encountered such a diversity of expressions of the simple life that I find the most accurate way of describing this approach to living is with the metaphor of a garden. A Garden of Simplicity To portray the richness of simplicity, here are ten different flowerings of expression that I see growing in the “garden of simplicity.” Although there is overlap among them, each expression of simplicity seems sufficiently distinct to warrant a separate category. So there would be no favoritism in listing, they are placed in alphabetical order based on the brief name I associated with each. 1. Choiceful Simplicity: Simplicity means choosing ... Read Full Story >>

8770 Reads


Compliments can be the easiest acts of kindness. I truly enjoy complimenting people I see every day. I like to think about what kind of compliment would make that person's day.

For the fashionista down the hall, it's fun to compliment her on her shoes. But maybe the person that just smiles all the time would like to hear, "You have such a nice smile!" Maybe the waitress that's working extra hard would like to be acknowledged.  My 5 year old loves to hear how she is the greatest artist EVER!

I'd have to say the greatest compliment I ever gave was to a very close friend. This friend just didn't see the amazing spirit that I see in him everyday. He had ignored or doubted all these wonderful emotions and actions he was capable of.

When I complimented him on all his wonderful attributes, it was like a light bulb went off and he had received that confirmation that he was all those things. Since then, he has embraced his true spirit and it grows everyday. I'm so happy to be a part of that.

2215 Reads


I was sitting in a coffee shop sipping on my decaf and simply watching the world go by. My eyes caught sight of a very mature couple. I knew this as their hair was very white and they were slightly hunched over. They stopped and seemed to be looking around, perhaps lost? Who knows? But what made me smile was.....they were holding hands. Was it the many years they were together or was this a fairly new romance. I wondered, as the smile on my face lingered and together they walked away.

2658 Reads
  • Posted by fmesh
  • Mar 27, 2015
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For The Love of Books

All week I have been sorting through every book we own. Childrens books, recipe books, self help, reference books, novels, them all.

We have so many, too many for one person to enjoy so I've decided to donate the majority of them. Most I will be donating to a book fair that raises money every year by selling used books. But then there are some, some books that touched me deeply and helped me in life in so many ways.

These books I've decided to gift to those that need them. I will leave them along with a note explaining it all in random places such as bus stops and hospitals. Places where people can really use a book. I have also today gone through all our shoes, shoes that we no longer wear but are still wearable to donate and give to those who have no shoes. Books and shoes, such a gift, and something we all have many of yet there are those out there who have none. Giving brings me joy!


2173 Reads

A Random Phone Call

I was out late watching a movie with friend in Georgetown. By the time the movie ended it was 2am. We walked to my car which was parked in the lot across the street. When we arrived, I noticed something strange- the doors were unlocked. I took a quick survey of the car's interior and was relieved to find everything intact, except for one thing- my briefcase was gone. After some discussion with my friend over technicalities- "Are you sure you locked the doors?", "Maybe you left it at work," I accepted the bag was gone and that was that. I considered myself incredibly fortunate that nothing valuable was taken or that nothing else in the car was damaged. The next day I got a surprising voicemail from a man that lived in the Georgetown area. He said he had walked his dog in the morning and came across a ... Read Full Story >>

2309 Reads
  • Posted by Rav from the East
  • Jan 14, 2006
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I'm Not The Only One

i think everyone tries to make some sense of this world.  no matter who you are, i believe that you have a part in this world.  everyone really does play a part in this world. it dosen't matter if you are the president, a king, or a soul living in poverty; we are all human and we all matter. i believe that if we can all use our heads and hearts as one, and we stop being so into ourselves we really can make a difference. i know people will say, that will never happen, nothing you say can change people, it will always be the same. but "never doubt that a small group of people can't change the world, indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." so i am challenging anyone who wants to, brighten someone's day, say hello to somone you don't normally talk to.  simple acts of ... Read Full Story >>

2185 Reads

Nothing Like That Had Happened To Him Before!

I went along with the Kindness Suggestion today and gave someone a surprise treat! 

I stopped at Starbucks, bought a $5 gift card and asked the barista to use it on whoever came in next. 

I was still waiting for my drink when the next customer arrived. The gentleman thanked me so much for the card and said nothing like that had ever happened to him before. He was so thankful! 

He thanked me again as I left, and said, "God bless."

2401 Reads

Fruit For A Hungry Man

Walking to the elevated railway I passed a man in a doorway holding a sign asking for money for food. I smiled at him and wished him a good day. 

As I got closer to the train station I saw a man selling fruit. So I bought a bag and walked it back to the hungry man in the doorway. 

I didn't know about this website then. It's just the way I operate. I am deeply grateful for the love, joy, and happiness in my life and I give it back every chance I get. 

Sometimes it's a smile or a compliment but I am always trying to put it out there in return. It's the best!

2780 Reads
  • Posted by k2livlov
  • May 27, 2014
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