Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gifting Yoga

Ok... so I'm suddenly addicted to this site - yippee, no more facebook!!  :)  I've been reading the smile stories one by one, mixing it up and going into some older stories.  I'm just having a blast on this very cold afternoon!!  Also, I am warmed by all the karmabuck giving, it's fabulous!! 

My mind is going a mile a minute with the same question that everyone keeps asking themselves, "What else can I do?" When suddenly, it hit me - YOGA!!  I am a yoga teacher, so why not gift my yoga classes?  And not just to anyone - people who need some extra love.  So, I immediately called a local woman's shelter and talked to someone about it and I think it's going to happen this year!!  Yippeeeeeee....

Thank you to all of the people in my smile group for motivating me to share my love with other people.  For years I have wanted to do something with women's shelters - THIS IS FABULOUS!!

Hugs and peace to all!!

1550 Reads

Generosity of a Homeless Man

I used to work at a warehouse that was down the street from a homeless shelter. It was right next door to a little gas station where they made breakfast sandwiches daily and I would walk over before my shift started and get a sandwich and a coke every morning. There was always someone or the other standing around outside asking for money to get something to eat. As a single mother I rarely had money to spare but sometimes I would give them my change until I noticed most of them would go inside and buy a beer with the money instead of food. I stopped giving out my change and just told them I didn't have any. One day as I was walking out of the store, I noticed an old black man who was obviously homeless.  However, interestingly, he was always wearing a nice suit and tie ... Read Full Story >>

4075 Reads

Kindness in the Now

On the afternoon of a hot summer day, everybody in my family was in the train and we were on the way to Coimbatore from New Delhi. The heat in the train made all the passengers tired, both mentally and physically.

At that time, a blind man came by selling batteries, toys, scissors, etc. and my father bought a few things for around 50 rupees. My mother looked at my father and said, "We already have all these things in our home, what is the need to buy them?" My father answered, "I thought of helping the blind man."

His reply really touched my heart. The important thing from this conversation was that if you have thought of helping others, do it immediately. Do not postpone it.  Procrastination may change your mind in a minute and you may lose a chance of showing kindness. We do not know, when the next opportunity will present itself in our life.

1355 Reads

A Dinner and a Blessing

Driving to Wal Mart after a busy day at work, I saw a man standing in the median between Wal Mart and a strip mall holding a sign that said, "will work for food." I knew at that moment that I was going to go into the store and purchase him something from the deli to eat for dinner. As I turned into the parking lot I saw in my rear view mirror a lady come out from the hair salon and approach the man.  I thought she must be going to give him some money or something to help him out. In the store I was hurrying to get the things I needed and also the chicken dinner and a soda that I wanted to give the man outside. I hurried out to my car and felt an adrenaline rush that I was going to be able to hopefully help ... Read Full Story >>

1728 Reads

Lost in Translation

I had just paid for my Subway sandwich and was walking out the door when I heard the cashier tell this nice Russian lady in line behind me that her credit card was declined.  She started to panic and was clearly embarrassed when everyone in the line turned and looked at her, as the cashier said, "I can't give you the sandwich if you don't have cash to pay for it."  She was alone and didn't speak English very well. 

Without hesitation, I walked back and said, "I'll pay for it" and handed the clerk my card.  Everyone was shocked at my random act of kindness.  She said, ""  I said, "Yes, yes, yes," paid for her meal and then walked out the door. 

1456 Reads

Yogi on the Go

I struggle with money in that I don't have a lot of it. I hate how we are so dependent on it and yet we need it in order to survive - we need to pay rent, buy food, etc. It's a daily struggle, but we all have to do it. Before I went back to school I was living in Toronto as a waitress and yoga teacher and was making some decent money. My partner and I decided to start taking 10 per cent of our tips from waiting tables and giving it to people in need. I have numerous stories of how I saw this process of giving away larger quantities of money every month make shifts in people's lives.  Although the money was a sort of "bonus" to people, it was also recognition of THEIR struggle and a reminder that someone cared - even if it was a ... Read Full Story >>

5150 Reads

Good Samaritan's Cell Phone to the Rescue

I was riding my son's scooter home from the library while he was accompanying me on his bicycle.  I was wearing a heavy backpack loaded full of books. Suddenly the scooter hit a rock and I was thrown from it and landed flat on my face onto the pavement.  My concerned son, who is 8 years old, rushed to my side to help me and bravely stood next to me holding both his bike and the scooter as I tried to get up. I then realized that my front tooth was lying on the sidewalk beside me!  I scooped it into my pocket and then probed my mouth with my tongue to assess the damage. Not wanting to alarm my son, I tried to get up and reassure him that I was okay. As I tried to stand, my head was spinning and I felt nauseous so I bent down and put ... Read Full Story >>

3561 Reads

Give A Lift To A New Mom!

This story happened years ago, but the kind words of a stranger still linger in the back of my mind and I try to "pay it forward" to other moms (and dads!) that I encounter.

I was in a doctor's office with my very active two-year-old waiting for my turn. We were reading story after story together, giggling and flipping the pages, and just having a great time. This went on for quite a while as I had to wait, and wait.

After some time an older woman who had also been waiting came to me and said, "Dear, you are just so patient with him and you are such a good mother." I smiled and said thanks and she left the office.  Actually, I'm sure I had tears in my eyes after she left.

I cannot tell you how much her words meant to me on that day and for days afterwards. As a "new" mother it was just such an amazing gift to feel like maybe I was doing something right! Whenever you see a young mom please help out, even if it's just a kind word. It means more than you'll ever know.

2389 Reads

Finding a Lost Sunset

Around 5:30pm, I was on the bus one day and everybody on the bus was quiet.  People had just gotten off from work, students had just finished their last class and everybody was a little tired from a long day.  It wasn’t a particularly good day for me either as I was feeling quite tired.  I was just looking outside of the window without any specific thought in my mind. It was the same view I have seen many times before, people hurrying home. In front of me, there was a guy sitting in the seat who didn't look too clean.  As he was looking out of the window, the guy suddenly turned to me and pointed at something outside.  “Hey, look buddy, look.”  He had a big smile on his face.  I turned to the direction he was pointing in and there it was...the beautiful Catalina mountains burning with a ... Read Full Story >>

7765 Reads

A Circle of Giving

By nature, I tend to be the l organizer in my group of friends -- coordinating parties, camping trips, etc.  A few months ago a fellow volunteer coordinator mentioned to me that they were short of meal cooks/servers for the women's shelter.  I told her I'd see what I could do. I sent out an email to 20-30 friends from different segments of my life, inviting them to be part of the group that would make and serve dinner to a group of 30 women staying in an overnight shelter.  Almost all of my friends responded with an interest in helping to serve.  When the time came I had 8 volunteers that baked desserts and helped prepare a meal.  They enjoyed the experience so much that they have now adopted the project as their own!  Even I now contribute solely as a volunteer not as the main organizer.  One friend created a listserve so people ... Read Full Story >>

1435 Reads

Warm Welcome to the Big City

As I was getting into my car, an older woman stopped beside me and asked if I was going South . I wasn't but I asked her where she wanted to go. She told me that she had missed her bus and had to walk about 5 blocks to get another one.  I invited her to get in and said I would be happy to take her. As we started driving, I thought to myself, "I am not in a rush," so I asked the older lady what her final destination was. She was going to work and was running late. So, I offered to drive her to work! "I can't believe you are doing this" she said. "This is such a nice gift. I just moved here 3 weeks ago and you are so friendly!" As we neared the office building where she worked I noticed she seemed to ... Read Full Story >>

1482 Reads

Unforgettable Hug at Orange County Jail

I volunteer for Orange County Jail's "Lights On" project on Saturday nights -- in a RV, from 11PM to 4AM, we provide a safe space for released prisoners until they find a ride home.  Of the many interesting stories I've heard, a particular story of 50 year old prisoner really touched me. After his last stay in jail, this 50 years old guy was homeless. He did have a family member and a friend that would let him sleep over sometimes, but on this particular night, he decided to come back and hang out with us in the RV. He told us how he has "anger issues".  He'd got into fights over "petty things", he'd been a small-time burglar, he'd been arrested for being under the influence while driving or being in public places. .  He'd been a small time burglar and had been in and out of incarceration for a lot ... Read Full Story >>

6559 Reads

Hand in Hand on a Stormy Night

The train was not working that night as I was heading home.  I had to catch a bus and 2 hours later was dropped off in the middle of the town I was staying in.  The ice storm froze the ground and it was very difficult to walk.  I asked three people for directions, but they were too hurried to help.

Then I saw an old lady holding onto the corner post with her packages, afraid to move.  I asked her where she was going and it was at least 3  miles away.  I tried to find a cab or police car but I was told they do not stop in this neighborhood.

So, we proceeded to walk along, holding onto each other for dear life.  The roads were layered with a sheet of ice.  Then and there I decided that I could not leave this old lady alone like this.  So, I decided to walk her home, hand in hand, for a good 2 hours.  Later that evening, I finally reached my destination  wet and exhausted but filled with joy and love for life.

3084 Reads

The Perfect Cup of Tea

It's the small things in life that count in this world - really!  Those small gestures of love that let people know we care.  I am a waitress for a semi-fine dining restaurant.  One day, I was serving a Christmas party and some of the people were fairly well-off financially and a bit "hoity-toity" (official term).  When taking the coffee and tea order BEFORE the desserts came out, one woman said to me, "I like my tea WITH my dessert - not after or before."  I told her that I would do my best!  What she didn't seem to take into consideration was that I had to walk the whole length of the restaurant, up a flight of stairs and then the distance to her from the stairs with 16 desserts.  I was getting the coffee and tea ready beforehand so that it wasn't delayed.  It was not going to ... Read Full Story >>

1581 Reads

Looking Out for Each Other

I want to share an incident that happened to me today and want to post this story as a "Thank You" token to the gentleman who helped me. I am a mother of two small kids, working full time and on top of trying to manage our retail business. In short, I am always running around trying to keep our life organized and get everything done on time. Today my son had a luncheon program at school and I had to take beverages from home for the event. As usual, I was running late and went to the nearest Kroger to pick up some juice.  I was running around in such a hurry that I forgot my purse in the shopping basket as I was leaving the store. My purse had everything you can imagine inside including my cell phone, camera, kids' social security cards, driving license, etc and I had ... Read Full Story >>

1377 Reads

Helping a Friend in Need

I have a friend who owns a coffee shop.  She has until Dec. 31 to pay some kind of tax to our city totalling $1,400 dollars. 

I felt so bad for her.  Owning her own coffee shop has always been Kim's dream.  In fact I still vividly remember the day she opened up her shop 3 years ago.  Nobody could have wiped the smile off her face!

I am an artist and have a card rack in her shop.  I told her to put a large sign on top of the rack saying, "Buy cards, all proceeds go to help Barefoot Annie's Coffee Shop."

Helping someone is the best feeling!

2012 Reads

The Mystery Gardener

Sometime back our lawn mower broke down beyond repair. We got someone to mow the lawn for us from time to time but that was getting a little costly.  Then a young boy used to come down to our house every so often to do some odd jobs to save up for a bike, so we gave him the job of mowing the lawn with his mum's permission & lawn mower!  But, being young, the boy had more interesting things to do, especially after he saved up enough money to buy himself a new bike!  

As the days went on, our lawn was getting longer & longer, even with the drought. The other day I went out to the front garden & I couldn't believe my eyes -- the lawn had been mowed!  I reckoned it was our kindly neighbour, but when my hubby went to thank him, he said it wasn't me.  So, it remains a mystery who was behind this anonymous act of kindness. I truly love those kinds of mysteries...

To all of you mystery helpers around the globe, bless you with love, joy, peace & everything else.

3184 Reads

Late Night Encounter in a Dark Alleyway

I don`t know whether I'm brave or stupid, but I always catch myself in spontaneous wild tales and last night didn`t skip a beat. On Wednesday, I was out watching a great movie which finished at 1am. I wandered home by foot because I took a taxi to the theatre and buses don't ruin nightly in this part of the world.  I live in a secure neighbourhood but there's a long dark dark dark desolate cobbled road going towards the neighbourhood. As I was toodling through, I noticed something in the bushes ahead of me.  I instinctly grabbed my pen (weapon..haha how ironic!)  BAM!  I got tossled over by a tipsy ole` feller who had one-too-many to drink and was asking for my money and clothes.  I started to laugh as he had my foot pinned to the dirty bumpy gravelled road. He got up and was yelling a bunch ... Read Full Story >>

1611 Reads

The Joy of Giving

On the way to college this morning, I was very disturbed by something that nearly stopped me from going to school.  As I stood by the road side to take my car to college, I met two young boys who were crying. I drew near to them to ask them what was wrong.

One of them told me that as they left the house for school, they realised that the money their parents had given to them for transportation and food had gone missing.  This made them cry because their parents would not be able to give them more money for the day.

I must confess, I was really touched by their story.  I gave them money for their food and also for their trasportation to school.  To my amazement, after doing this act of kindness, I experienced great peace and joy in my soul that helped me to release the stress I was experiencing that day.

1285 Reads
  • Posted by bigguy_owusu
  • May 12, 2008
  • Comments (5)
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Just a Phone Call Away

We were out shopping and as we were entering the store there was a young mother with a crying baby looking out over the parking lot.  I smiled and said, "Did you forget where you parked?"  "No," she replied, "My husband went to get a diaper and I need a bottle as well."  

It was pouring down rain and we asked if he had a cell phone with him.  "Yeah!" she said.   We handed her our cell phone and she called her husband and asked him to please bring the baby a bottle when he came back.  Later on, we happened to see them in the store with the baby drinking his bottle and Mom happily telling Dad that's the couple that helped us with a phone.

1393 Reads