Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Half A World Away

While volunteering in India between April 2 and April 18, I experienced a smile card. Let me tell you how. The day before I left for home, Saturday April 17, I was cleaning up my office at LAICO, the training institute at Aravind Eye Hospital, and someone left me a Smile card and a beautiful poem on my desk. I was completely taken by this act of kindness. I had worked 12 of the 14 days that I had been in India and I was not sure that I had made a positive impact on those with whom I had worked. This card and poem really touched my heart and brought closure to my two weeks of work and helped me realize that I had made a difference to someone at LAICO. Then while at the Seva partner and board meetings last week, the extraordinary story came to fruition. We ... Read Full Story >>

1851 Reads
  • Posted by John Inman
  • Jan 14, 2006
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Somebody Tagged Me!

"Katy, please come to the front desk. Katy, you have a package at the front desk." Immediately my sensors were on. Package? Why do I have a package? Did I order something? Did my mom send me something? Maybe it's from one of my clients. They might have mailed their paperwork in using priority mail. But they wouldn't have called me over the intercom. Hmmmm, a package. Wait a minute.........could it it...did they.... As I approached the front desk Sabrina and Tatiana sat comfortably in their chairs in front of their computers. Nothing was out of the ordinary. They were focused on their tasks at hand and barely noticed me approaching, a smile already planted on my face. "You called me" I said, somewhat suspiciously. For an instant I became unsure that there even was a package there waiting for me, maybe I was confused. Sabrina turned to Tatiana. ... Read Full Story >>

2647 Reads
  • Posted by Katy Turse
  • Jan 14, 2006
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This Buck Doesn't Stop

About a year back, I got off the train and was waiting for my ride to come pick me up. Suddenly I felt the inspiration to write a poem. I looked around and found a pen, but no paper. There was not even a scrap of paper in site. Bummer! So I sat there for a moment in a predicament, alone with the stunted inspiration. Then looked around a little more. It turned out that in my wallet I had a dollar bill. Looking at it a little more thoroughly, it became clear that there was very little writing surface on the dollar. But I could write something... So I took my pen and wrote something like this: "This is a very special dollar - given to you with love. Do not keep it. Do not spend it. Pass it on. Give it to someone else with love, and watch ... Read Full Story >>

7390 Reads

A Random Phone Call

I was out late watching a movie with friend in Georgetown. By the time the movie ended it was 2am. We walked to my car which was parked in the lot across the street. When we arrived, I noticed something strange- the doors were unlocked. I took a quick survey of the car's interior and was relieved to find everything intact, except for one thing- my briefcase was gone. After some discussion with my friend over technicalities- "Are you sure you locked the doors?", "Maybe you left it at work," I accepted the bag was gone and that was that. I considered myself incredibly fortunate that nothing valuable was taken or that nothing else in the car was damaged. The next day I got a surprising voicemail from a man that lived in the Georgetown area. He said he had walked his dog in the morning and came across a ... Read Full Story >>

2309 Reads
  • Posted by Rav from the East
  • Jan 14, 2006
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PB&J on MLK's birthday!

There they were; three people yearning to connect with the folks who live in Woodruff Park in downtown Atlanta. They chose an interesting day--grey, overcast, cold, rainy but something in their souls stirred them to connect with people whose faces we try not to see, whose lives and circumstances would make us cry and ask why in a world of full of so much surplus do so many have to go without? So, they set off--the three musketeers hell bent on providing some hot chocolate and pb & j sandwiches. In the week before, rapid email fire was sent between anywhere between 2 and 5 people--different ideas were thrown about, flying kites with kids in honor of India's National Kite Flying Day or making home baked cookies to hand out. In the end, we always come back to the basics--mouth watering hot chocolate and good for yo soul peanut butter ... Read Full Story >>

2961 Reads

Lost in the Airport

I was at the airport enroute to visit my parents over the holidays and was on the train heading to my terminal resting easy knowing that there was plenty of time before my flight. On the train I noticed that there was a gentleman helping a young mother who was travelling alone with a baby and didn't seem to know where she needed to go. The man asked me which gate I was going to and after realizing I was headed in the opposite direction decided he would help the mother. At our stop I realized the man had two young boys and his own share of carry on baggage to deal with, but he was still trying to help the mother so I offered to take her from there. The mother showed me her ticket and I noticed that her flight departed in 10 minutes and she had a ... Read Full Story >>

10.1K Reads

Food For The Homeless

I was walking to work today, running later than usual because Sima kept me out late (smile) and it was exceptionally cold at 22 degrees. The homeless were out of site due to the cold weather. I approach the Metro station and passed a homeless man asking me if I have any food. I continue walking, but was happy to see him asking for food rather than money. I did what my grandfather would do, I bought him breakfast. I walked over to McDonalds and asked for the Sausage, egg and cheese biscuit, a hash brown and Juice (I was not going to assume how he liked his coffee) I walked back 2 blocks to the Metro station in search of the man.

I found him and said 'here is your breakfast".
He responded with "open the bag....what is it ?"
"Sausage, egg and cheese" I said
"take it out of the bag" he says
So I did and handed it to him.

The best part of the morning was turning around and seeing a young women who had passed him up earlier, smiling. I think it might be contagious.

2157 Reads

Experiment: Success

When I got a random email from his friend in India, I had a realization ... I was in communication with someone on the other side of the planet! The Butterfly Effect proved that a butterfly in California can cause a hurricane in Japan, but this was much more real. I seized the opportunity and told a friend in India: "Hey, can you give $20 to some random person that might need a break. I'll give you the money when we meet next." 'Experiment: Success' was ... well, you find out. Sorry to be so tardy in posting this note about the outcome of your "experiment" in connectedness, action, and compassion. We wound up deviating from the stated ground rules a bit. (In fact, we didn't even recognize that it was your experiment until it was already underway; and if that invalidates it, we'll certainly try again.) But here's the scoop. The folks we stayed with in Ahmedabad were ... Read Full Story >>

1868 Reads

A Gigantic Hug

I just wanted to thank you so much for delivering those cards to me. I didn't know the response could be so great.

I past a few cards around to a few of my friends... and then all of a sudden, everyone started coming up to mee asking for more. It not only encourages people to help out others, but it also spreads smiles throughout peoples lives.

One of my friends felt down because her friend committed suicide, and so I just gave her the card and told her how much people cared, and gave her this gigantic hug. She almost cried, and thanked me, telling me that I had made her day. I think it was mostly the card though.

Now, I see people with the cards slipped in to the cover of their binders, sticked to their shirts, and I`m planning on ordering more...if that's okay.

Thanks so much! I really just wanted you guys to know how much people appreciate this website and what you're doing. Thanks!

1390 Reads
  • Posted by Somebody in San Diego
  • Jan 14, 2006
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Smile Phenomena in Small Indian Town!

At Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai we recently recruited a dozen management interns and the Human Resource department arranged an extensive orientation program for them. My cousin Pavi and I do a reading session together each morning and the HR head thought it would be great to include the interns. Pavi was away becoming the first Indian "Final Cut Pro" pro. So I took on the "job". The recruits participated enthusiastically and the early morning reading/discussion sessions had us thinking about our purpose and goals and life itself and how to integrate all of it in our journeys. I had so much fun preparing before each class that I wonder if I benefited most! Before they knew it these interns were ‘tagged’ with the smile cards! We gave them each a scroll with an Inspiring quotation and a smile card. The interns were asked to use the cards and help/touch/make a gesture ... Read Full Story >>

1588 Reads
  • Posted by Dhivya, in Madurai
  • Jan 14, 2006
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Warm and humid, it's raining lightly here in North Carolina. With all its grass and trees, the state seems to be covered in green. I flew here today, lifted and carried in on wings of compassion, fluttering in unison from so many. This is a tale of the joyous celebration of life that occurs when kindness is unleashed and allowed to fly free. I feel fortunate just knowing of this story, but having been able to participate in it has been an incredible blessing. It all came about a couple weeks back, as I was sharing with some friends a story of my good friend Sandra from North Carolina and all the fun we used to have. My Friend Sandra About 11 years ago, I had posted signs around Berkeley, California, hoping to start a "Thinkers Support Group" - a group aimed at seeing the world as it is, ... Read Full Story >>

1821 Reads
  • Posted by JS from Berkeley
  • Jan 14, 2006
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Gas Station Smiles

Last night I stopped by my local gas station to pick-up dinner (hotdog and chips). I am out of work and trying to keep to a tight budget. As I paid for my items, a young girl walked in with a small gas can in her hand, looked at the attendent as if she wanted to ask a question, then left. I promptly paid for my items, and walked out the door. As I walked out, I noticed the young girl sitting on the curb upset with tears in her eyes. I asked if she needed gas. She said "Yes, I ran out, I thought I had $5 in my pocket, and my purse was stolen today. I don't have any money" I promptly pulled out one of my "smile" cards, handed it to her, asked her to read it while I filled up the small gas can.

As we chatted, I said to her, "You are young, you will learn many lessons in life, let this be one--random acts of kindness are amazing acts that forver touch your life, Your life will be much more fulfilled if you learn the lesson, Pass it On."

As she walked away, I thanked the good lord for all the blessings I have in my life. I wanted to thank you and this website for reminding me of those blessings everyday.

1505 Reads

The Kindness of Immigrants

I wish to tell a story about how much we can learn from those people who have  chosen to build their lives in a place we have always called home.

For many years now, I have been noticing the lack of respect for elderly, or disabled persons on buses or subways. We were taught to cede our seats immediately to someone who needed it more. But that seems to be the exception rather than the rule now.

I am very happy to report, that on several bus & subway trips recently, the tide seems to be turning! Seats were being ceded left, right, and center, to seniors, mothers with children, and the disabled. And those giving up their seats were all immigrants from all corners of the planet! I gave every one of them the warmest smile I could, and reminded myself we have much to learn from these people we usually undervalue. Also, example is the most powerful teacher.

1833 Reads

Winter Fun

Since it's probably our only chance to enjoy the snow this winter, I dragged my kid out to go sledding on the hill behind our house today; we laughed so hard and so much fun! I thanked her for being an awesome 15-year old that still goes sledding with her mom. :)

622 Reads

Kindness To A Homeless Man

I saw the same man I saw during the holidays outside of our local grocery store yesterday, it was cold and raining and he looked so hungry; my husband and I went in to but some lunch so I grabbed one extra and handed it to him, he was so grateful and happy, probable his only meal in a while. I went back to the grocery store in the evening and I wanted to buy him dinner too but unfortunately he wasn't there anymore:( whenever I see his friendly face I buy a meal for him, I wish I could do more, but it makes me happy to know at least he gets some food, and I really hope others show kindness to him too.

793 Reads

Positivity Notes

I brought little positive messages on stickies to my training. Each participant was instructed to pick one out for another person there to give them. It set the tone for positivity and the environment we want to create when working with youth.

It was joyful to hear their dreams and watch their plans for the year unfold as they planned out what they want to do with young people.

589 Reads

No Christmas Cards

Many years ago at Christmas time I parked my car in the town centre on my way to the post office to post my Christmas cards. It was the last posting day for Christmas cards if they were to be received before Christmas. As I came out of the car park I saw a young boy probably about 12 years of age on the other side of the road.  He was alone and as he was walking he was sobbing and holding his right hand side. I thought some bigger boys had perhaps bullied him and he was in pain. I had to go to his aid and see if I could help with his distress. He told me that his big sister who was a nurse had bought him a combined birthday/Christmas present. It was a mobile phone, I would say it was his first mobile phone. He had been ... Read Full Story >>

1356 Reads

Chalk in the Morning

After yesterday's rain, the latest chalk kindness words on the front walk have washed away. I went out early this morning and wrote another. There is an older gentleman who lives in the multi-unit across the street. He is a school crossing guard. We've never talked. This is the second time that he has observed me writing just as he is leaving for his station. And the second time that we have chatted. Who knew that simple kindness words in chalk would have that outcome? 

607 Reads

Library Dues

I was at the library this afternoon. I'm doing some research for my Facebook page and ordered a stack of kindness books online, so I went into the library to pick them up.

A woman was there having a tantrum about her library fine of $5. I walked up to the desk and said, "It's okay, I've got it!" and handed the librarian a $5 note. The woman shouted at both of us that "it's not about the money!!!" So, I said that she sounded like she was upset so I could either pay the fine, or give her the $5 and she could go and buy herself a coffee.

She looked like a popped balloon as her anger levels went down, and half-smiled, and said thanks for paying the fine. I handed the money over to the librarian and the woman apologized. All is well. 

571 Reads

Baffling Software Leads to Kind Solutions

As a student researcher at the Radiological Sciences department at UC Irvine, I use various software to collect and analyze scans of people with brain diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. When I first started doing research, I found the QuPath software to be very difficult to use. There were a lot of different tools and an extensive amount of new vocabulary to learn. There was another student working on a similar project also using the QuPath software. She walked me through a lot of it and although she had her own project to work on, she was always ready to answer any questions.  I continued to struggle with the software during the times when she was not in the lab and there was no one to ask for help. It took me quite some time and practice to become proficient at using it but eventually, I was very well-acquainted with ... Read Full Story >>

288 Reads